This is the first film I've seen Gerard Butler in, and I was interested to notice that, depending on the angle, I'd either think "Wow, that guy is amazingly good-looking!" or, at a different angle, "Ehh, he's really ordinary-looking - what's he doing as the leading man in a romantic comedy?" This went on throughout the film. Did anyone else have this reaction?
I've been watching Gerard Butler movies since he was in "Her Majesty Mrs. Brown" 1997 I think it was. I had also seen him in some Brit shows. And it wasn't that he was a "pretty boy" that he attracted me, it was the whole package. The fact that he can be so different in so many movies that fascinates me. In Phantom of the Opera he looked one way, in 300 he looked another, in PS I Love You he was a different character. In Law Abiding Citizen yet another Gerry. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, TimeLine, Attila, Dear Frankie, Rock and Rolla, and more, each with a different Gerry. I've met him in person several times, and actually, he looks much better in person than he does in film. The last time I saw him he had his "surfer" hair which made him look even taller than his 6'2". I think what I love best about him is his caring and sharing with those in need. Check out Mary's Meals online which he helps to support, and see the pictures of him with the African children there just before Christmas when he went to visit. No man could be more beautiful!
Yeah, Butler's definitely hot---and the funny thing is, he's never been what you call a "pretty boy" or anything like that----he just has that no-frills naturally rugged look that's attractive. He was totally hot in that Lara Croft movie,though. Another Brit actor I like--Sean Bean, who's also equally hot in everything I've seen him in, has that same naturally rugged appeal about him---he isn't a pretty boy either,but he's just got it like that,too.
I know this is an old thread, but he wasn't supposed to look super handsome in this movie. He was supposed to be good-looking, but a little average. He wasn't supposed to fit her "list" at all, not in looks, personality, or income. He wasn't supposed to have movie star looks like Colin. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with his looks. She was supposed to fall in love with him because he completely understood her, even though he didn't check off all the boxes on her list. His looks fit the part perfectly.
I prefer GB's type of look. He is attractive without being pretty boy cute or "conventionally" handsome. He was still more attractive to me than the "hot doc" in the film even with the puffy face.