Fed up with Alpha-Female movies!
I liked this movie for reasons I've posted in another posting I've placed on the board. One thing I don't like and I see this A LOT in movies coming out of Hollywood these days, and that's all these movies with alpha-female leads.
The boys in this movie were made too look like losers/weak, and the girls were made to look like they were in command and had it going on in this film. Case in point, the scene in the car when goldilocks holds a scalple to that guys face telling him that he was going to dress like a tranny or else she'd kill him. Total BS. That would NEVER have happened in any real-life situation. Girl would have just got her a$$ kicked if she tried that with a man.
Another movie that comes to mind is the Hitcher remake that came out just last year. Again, another BS-alpha-female lead in that film.
Hollywood has been pushing a feminist agenda for the past 15 years with it's shows and it's movies.