Troubling underlying assumptions on this messageboard....
I've noticed something. People seem to think they need to say they like this drama and then feel the need to explain they're not religious.
So do people think ALL Christians will like this, and ALL atheists ought to hate it?
Since when were all Christians the Borg? If someone tells me "You should watch this cos the creator of it is a Christian" I'm less likely to be well disposed towards it, because if I like something it's because I like it and not because my religious faith somehow has an added-on feature of a predisposition to milk-and-water religious viewing.
If getting atheists to agree is like herding cats, then the same applies to Christian viewers. I daresay some of us will love it and some of us will hate it. I have a Christian friend who avoids all dramas like this because of their demonic content. She's afraid. I'm not afraid because I can recognise drama (ie..... it's all pretendy!) when I see it. Some will like it, some won't, much like normal regular people.
So you can all stop declaring what card-carrying atheists you are!
I'm just saying.