MovieChat Forums > District 9 (2009) Discussion > The funniest scenes were....

The funniest scenes were....

1. The urinating prawn and Wikus telling him off. Hilarious!

2. The eviction scenes, the spoken responses of the Prawns , how they understand their rights and answer the doors to the MNU . But especially When Wikus is trying to evict Christopher and he says 'don' t point your tentacles at me'! And then threatens to take his son to child services. Also during when Christopher's son throws the lollipop and Wikus says ' You almost poked my eye out with a *beep* lollipop' ! brilliant, Genius!

3. The South African resident talking about the Prawns and explains that they check the brand on the trainers before stealing them and killing you.

4. Every time Wikus says the *beep* word, his accent makes it hilarious and I think that's one of the reasons there are so many *beep* words.

4. Every scene featuring the Prawns addiction to cat food! Even the name 'Puddi' ha.

There's so many more I could be sad enough to list, The well balanced humour filled script with perfect timing made it for me along with the realistic balanced cgi.

Youre the *beep* problem you *beep* Dr White honkin jam-rag *beep* spunk-bubble!


Baby, I did not have sexual relations with a foooking alien! - Wikus



when vikus catches the rocket


Wikus describing the graffiti was pretty good - "This is basically a guy."

I also liked the prawn trying to eat the spare tire off the truck behind them and the one rummaging through the trash while that woman was being interviewed.

Also- "What, for an alien, might be seen as something recreational ... setting fire to a truck, derailing a train..."

and Obesandjo getting all excited watching his own guys get blown to smithereens, and the idea that he probably wouldn't object to having a crab pincher for an arm if he could be more powerful


I re-watched it again yesterday and for some reason the axe scene suddenly became hilarious.. Like, if you're not going to chop off your arm why even bother chopping off one finger?
