I think you are misunderstanding the true message or content of the movie. I am fairly certain that most people who saw the movie either felt empathy for the aliens, or at least understood that they were meant to.
The true message of the movie is to depict the lack of human empathy and intellectualization of ignorance , the relative clueless and non-nonsensical information relayed by the modern media, as well as sort of hypocrisy common in people who like to speculate about social structures and functions.
I have a few pieces to substantiate these claims.
Early on in the movie, at around the 0:2:35 mark, the intellectualization of ignorance first begins to emerge. A supposed male "expert" of some kind states that the aliens seemed to be "malnourished" and "aimless". His claim is intended to insinuate that they are somehow savages without minds. Actually however, he seems to neglect the fact that the aliens have a freakin' spaceship! They are obviously highly intellectual creatures, and were able to become organized enough to build some high tech space ship.
That same guy later goes on to state:
"What for an alien may seem fun, something like setting fire to a truck, derailing a train is for us obviously an extremely destructive act."
However, again he is dis disacknowledging a huge part of the supposed reality, that aliens had high tech guns! Apparently the aliens did not so much as even attempt to conquer humans through force, or even so much as fight back. Given the large arsenal the south-african warlord was able to obtain (including a freaking mech-bot), it is reasonable to assume that the aliens had even more weapons that may have been secured by the government. Again, it should be emphasized that the aliens required an obviously inhuman degree of intelligence and organization to even build the ships and high tech weapons. That level of organization and intellegence could have certainly been used to at least mount a decent attack or counter-attack on humans, but they didn't, the aliens were peaceful. So then, the "testimonies" by the "experts" are nothing more than cheap opinions coated in seemingly educated language.
Then, a very symbolic series of shots is issued around that part of the movie, where all the people interviewed show some disdain and resentment for the aliens. This part of the movie is meant to illustrate how racism and hate is capable of bringing people together to speak and work for a single cause, which is the exile of aliens. Again, this part is meant to illustrate as having an sense of empathy for anything they perceive as foreign, despite the facts demonstrating that the aliens did not try to attack them.
Then Wickus, is quoted stating that the aliens will be moved "safer and better location 200 kilometers outside of Johannesburg" with a seemingly enthusiastic smile and attitude. Wickus then demonstrates absolutely no empathy for the aliens, he does not even stop to consider how the might actually feel. Instead, he is more than happy with the way which he says things, rather than what they actually mean and whether they are valid or not.
So the, Wickus early on demonstrates a lack of empathy. His cheerful go-lucky attitude is nothing more than madness. He seems to keep his disposition even as he questions the regulatory abidance of the army men who he is interviewing. He has essentially spent so much time "sugar-coating" reality that he has lost all sense of self-awareness. Wickus is then shown to commit an almost despicable act as he goes into an alien's home, and hits him for no reason! Again, the alien seems to have no intent to hurt him and be peaceful, but Wickus just goes in and knocks him out because he did not do what Wickus told him to.
All in all, the only good thing that humans do in the movie, is done by the morally questionble, and probably mentally ill (prior to alien exposure) Wickus, as he uses the Alien mech-bot to protect the alien who he has hit prior to that event.
Throughout the entire movie, people are shown talking about how bad aliens are, some giving food to them; but for the most part people in the movie are delusional, insane, and psychopathic. At one point, a soldier states that he can't belief that he gets paid to kill aliens. However, soldiers in real actual life are paid to kill people. Therefore, reality may be in a much more grim state morally speaking.
Therefore, the movie is not just about racism or not judging a book by its cover. It is a documentary which SHOULD emphasize the absolute absurdity of human behavior. It should make people realize that the so called experts on tv are only people with opinions. A very symbolic part of the movie takes place when people are shown to be doing witchcraft with dismembered alien body parts. Actually, it is not at all rare for some people in africa to kill, mutilate, and dismember people who are albino in order to use their body parts for witchery.
The movie is far less fictional than it might appear.