The Ending

I have never felt this robbed in my life. It's probably just me, but the ending is pretty freaking outrageous. Let me know if you guys liked the twist or not. Great movie til the end for me.


Ending was bad... not because of the twist, but because there is a distinct difference in sound from a revolver and a sawed off shotgun... The gun you hear go off where you don't see who is shooting who is distinct and because of it the outcome should not have been the way it was.... The wrong person is left alive based on the sound that is heard. To me that is a bad movie ending because you need things to stay true to life.


At the opening of the film it stated that it was inspired by true events. I guess real life doesn't give us Hollywood endings. Though, saying that, I don't know how much of the script stuck to the facts.


This is was one of the worst, dumbest, and most improbable twists I've seen a long, long time. I'm fine with a dark ending when it's done well and fits the story, but this isn't stupid just because the "bad guy" wins. It's stupid because it's...well, stupid. It's implausible and ridiculous and insulting.

A good twist makes you reconsider the whole film or story, but this is not a good twist. This is a dumb, jarring twist that makes absolutely no sense from a story standpoint. The entire film is thrown in to the garbage just so they can go "HAHA, WE GOT YOU". The film just doesn't hold together if she's secretly in league with the killer. No part of the plot makes sense anymore. It breaks the movie.

It's juvenile and pathetic, and I'll avoid these filmmakers from now on.


I saw this on Netflix simply because of John Cusack and Jennifer Carpenter's involvement. Just something to pass the time, so I wasn't exactly expecting a film with a twist. I hadn't even heard about this movie, and was just expecting a straight detective story...and then noticed that Dark Castle was the production company.

For me, Dark Castle movies are watchable, but usually forgettable. Mid to low-tier talent behind the camera that assigns recognizable actors to help sell the movie. There's usually a twist, but they are also horror movies for casual fans. The Factory is watchable, but forgettable and inoffensive. I neither hate this movie or would suggest it to anyone. It's just there like most other Dark Castle flicks.


I hated the ending. I was hoping JC was going to torture the freak.
