Glasgow Smile (SPOILER)

So the young psychopath who stabs and kills Arthur at the end is the Joker we come to know who battles with Batman in the future.
We see him giving himself the Glasgow Smile with the knife at the end.

I like the movie BTW 8/10


Here is the scene you described

Signed, million man.


I think the film tells us "Joker" is an idea, a contagious nihilistic 'mind virus' that you can't identify one particular host with. I understand the psychopath at he end to be just another manifestation of it.

Really liked the film as well. One of the greatest surprises this year.
Kinda forced myself to watch it because I absolutely didn't care for the first one (and because a film that is uniformly hated as much as this one one release, before any sort of meaningful critical work has had time to be performed by intelligent viewers, is usually a sign that there's something interesting going on...).
Fantastic film.


Yes, I find myself drawn to whatever the majority hates. MMFTM (mindless media for the masses) gets boring.
Now a singing Joker - that's interesting, weird, stimulating and new.
Bring it on.
