Actor tears into the film

When the cast start publicly ripping into your film there’s a problem:

Glad I never saw it.


having strong opinions about movies you never see is but one of the many reasons why people don't take you numb nuts seriously


Ah, one of The Sisters has shown up to defend this piece of shit woke-ass film, what a surprise…


nope this movie sucked ass.
and clearly you're a plant to make all anti woke people look even more next level retarded 👍


Every normal healthy person is already ‘anti-woke’ dipshit, no sane person wants anything to do with your creepy racist cult - a major reason why Dems got trounced in the recent election.

So by all means kick and scream and try to call normal people ‘retarded’ but it just makes you look even more like a deranged tool.


and now you're randomly typing about democrats and elections?

go back to your little convent of pajama wearing cultists kneeling and talking to your little figurines hearing voices in your head. ..and by that i mean your christian church, not your one-nine-nine geek club echo chamber (where i hear disney is perpetually going bankrupt any minute). you're legitimately too dumb to know you're in cults. responding to a sane person with every little grievance contrivance you have, and projection of your own situation upon your perceived enemies proves as much. shoo, now


Elections are entirely relevant you dumb shit. Woke is a deranged political ideology that has inserted itself into Hollywood entertainment and turned it to shit. People don’t like it, either in movies or the myriad other ways it creeps into their lives, and they voted to get the fuck rid of it, and the shitstains like you who propagate it.

I’m not a Christian but the hostility you have towards that religion is that it challenges your sick twisted Woke cult. The irony of you calling others cultists when you’re in the most cringe cult currently out there is not lost.

Once again you’ve inserted yourself into a discussion and just ended making a complete prick of yourself. Nice work 🍻


oh i see so in 2 years when the other major political party wins back half of one branch of government, as essentially always happens, will your woke bogeymen cults that you see under ever rock, have won another victory again? it'll show that america indeed does want to be woke after all? oh no wait, you'll just have another excuse for that when it happens nevermind

your anti woke is as much a political ideology as the woke and that cult is just another side of the same coin.

now i'll let you get back to being busy not watching more movies and forming very strong self righteous opinions about them that just happen to also fit into your overall political worldview. have fun with that 👍
