MovieChat Forums > Severance (2022) Discussion > God damn Helly is gorgeous

God damn Helly is gorgeous

I’m not the type to fawn over actresses but Jesus. She is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.


She's not conventionally hot but yeah. She's fucking hot in that office outfit.


She reminds me a lot of Lilly James, especially the finale when she was dressed up as her 'outie' !


Lilly James is not a Leo, but she IS a sign of fire, like Leo is (Aries), so ok..


Isn't there enough blasphemy in this very satanic-masonic movie without your topic having to include some?

She's not GORGEOUS, she is a typical Leo.

Leos are often 'mediocre-looking' or 'lower-than-mediocre-looking', BUT then they radiate incredible charm and charisma that make you almost fall in love with them.

It's like they have expressive personality that turns the 'almost meh'-face into something that FEELS good and charming, so powerfully that if you don't stop and think about it, you might THINK she's beautiful and gorgeous, when the reality is that technically, she isn't, but she just seduced you with her Leo-typical femininity.

Leo-men are similarly masculine as well.

Not all Leos, of course, but every time this kind of effect has hit me, I have predicted 'she must be a Leo', and look - she is!

Britt Lower has EXACTLY this Leo-charm-effect that kinda drew me in, too, so I knew she must be Leo before I checked, and yep.. I was right.

Young Abe Natsumi, Erika Toda, Mila Kunis and Debra Messing are good examples of this effect. The (relatively) cute neighbour-girl that doesn't seem that extraordinary on first sight, but who can charm your socks off if you let them move, speak and express themselves for awhile in various ways, like acting.

It's an amazing effect, and every time it hits me, it turns out to be a Leo, so I have to think there's something to this.


Astrology is nonsense.


No. She has an insignificant rack and therefore does not qualify.


I love redheads to begin with so I might be biased, but I love Helly and the way she struts in certain scenes—She's one cool and confident chick!😍


i agree. It's the environment and circumstance that enhance her appeal for me.
