Do you have to endorse homosexuality to post here?
Sure looks that way. Man..just when I think IMDB could not get more politically correct it
Tiber is gay and apparently ashamed of his real too Jewish sounding last name. Plus he was no little coming of age kid at the time of Woodstock...more like 34 years old.
14 years older than Mike Lange who would not have played stickball in Brooklyn with him...Ang Lee or the writer's fantasy much like other BS in this horrific and ham fisted film.
Psycho Nam vet.
Whacked tranny played by an unbelievable Schrieber and totally a gratuitous insert to ill effect.
Nasty Jewish stereotyping of Tiber's family...
Nasty Jew baiting which I doubt happened in overwhelmingly Jewish resort towns in goofy...let's bash Jews one second as misers and grifters and the next let's act like National Alliance is alive and well in Catskills...laughable.
Tripping scene...ridiculous.
Mike Lange's portrayal was the only decent part of the movie and Eugene Levy too.
I guess Ang Lee figures he's now Gus Van Zandt with all the homosexual crap ad nauseum....yeah good luck with all that .....
I can remember when it was just "they wanted to be left alone to pursue their relationships and sexual preference in private"...what a load of crap...homosexuals want much much more than that. They want acceptance and preference and to force it on everyone through fear of being what numbnuts here refer to as "homophobic"
oooo- what a scary word.
Quit identifying yourself by what you do sexually and join the human the rest of us.
Keep private stuff private and folks might not resent it.