MovieChat Forums > Taking Woodstock (2009) Discussion > Do you have to endorse homosexuality to ...

Do you have to endorse homosexuality to post here?

Sure looks that way. Man..just when I think IMDB could not get more politically correct it

Tiber is gay and apparently ashamed of his real too Jewish sounding last name. Plus he was no little coming of age kid at the time of Woodstock...more like 34 years old.

14 years older than Mike Lange who would not have played stickball in Brooklyn with him...Ang Lee or the writer's fantasy much like other BS in this horrific and ham fisted film.

Psycho Nam vet.

Whacked tranny played by an unbelievable Schrieber and totally a gratuitous insert to ill effect.

Nasty Jewish stereotyping of Tiber's family...

Nasty Jew baiting which I doubt happened in overwhelmingly Jewish resort towns in goofy...let's bash Jews one second as misers and grifters and the next let's act like National Alliance is alive and well in Catskills...laughable.

Tripping scene...ridiculous.

Mike Lange's portrayal was the only decent part of the movie and Eugene Levy too.

I guess Ang Lee figures he's now Gus Van Zandt with all the homosexual crap ad nauseum....yeah good luck with all that .....

I can remember when it was just "they wanted to be left alone to pursue their relationships and sexual preference in private"...what a load of crap...homosexuals want much much more than that. They want acceptance and preference and to force it on everyone through fear of being what numbnuts here refer to as "homophobic"

oooo- what a scary word.

Quit identifying yourself by what you do sexually and join the human the rest of us.

Keep private stuff private and folks might not resent it.



When heterosexuals "keep it private" in movies, and never do anything sexual in public, then you might have a point. You are not talking about equality. You want some people to hide what they do, and others not.


I don't consider them equivocal, that is the point.


look up the meaning of words before you use them. Equivocal is certainly not the right own. But I take your point, if you want to be prejudiced, go ahead, you show your own caliber.


It amazes me how kneejerk PC young folks are. Good luck with all that. Any culture that embraces homosexuality as some sort of ideal won't last. When that starts is typically signifies a marked decline. You guys would have done ok without forcing acceptance on folks and wanting to indoctrinate kids. And homosexual marriage, that is ridiculous. Your zenith has passed, mark my words on it. Must be nice to be a leftist today thinking you can scare folks by calling them bigot or prejudiced. Doesn't work with me and it won't work on everyone forever. Homosexuality is nothing different than what it has always been. aberration ...tolerated but not celebrated and not on par with reproductive partnerships. One man's fondness for the spincter of another man's is simply not normal even in can cut that however you like. That is just how it is. Sorry about that. Feel free to do whatever you'd like in your bedroom but don't expect the rest of us to highfive you over your peccadilloes.

Is anyone on IMDB not a lefty? I think I have seen a few.

Incredible how in just a couple of generations young folks became so intolerantly self righteous about it. Like you guys know so much better everything from homosexuality to the planet to the evils or western civilization than all who came before.

Boy, am I glad to have missed all that self loathing.


I should know better than to reply, but I keep feeling like I have to point out your errors. You seem to assume I am young. Far, far from it -- 75. I am not, as a matter of fact, gay, which I only mention to say that my husband and I cannot have children, and never could. Does that make us a non-reproductive, aberrant pairing? and what on earth makes you think that I, or anyone who is gay, is self-loathing?

And I believe I know a *great* deal more than you about those who came before us, especially, as I believe you mean, white men from say 1800 to the 1920's in particular. I listen to what they say sometimes, and find some of them very wise. I don't listen to them about medicine, economics mostly, politics largely, the place of women, the place of all other races, and a host of other subjects. I dearly love writers of the past, without feeling that their ideas on practical subjects necessarily apply to today. Life without change is death.

But this is my last post to you, I know there is no point to this one or the last one either. I don't hope to change your mind about homosexuality. I just hope to change your ideas slightly about who would speak up for gay marriage, gay rights, etc. We are not who you assume.


<<I should know better than to reply, but I keep feeling like I have to point out your errors. You seem to assume I am young. Far, far from it -- 75. I am not, as a matter of fact, gay, which I only mention to say that my husband and I cannot have children, and never could. Does that make us a non-reproductive, aberrant pairing? and what on earth makes you think that I, or anyone who is gay, is self-loathing?

And I believe I know a *great* deal more than you about those who came before us, especially, as I believe you mean, white men from say 1800 to the 1920's in particular. I listen to what they say sometimes, and find some of them very wise. I don't listen to them about medicine, economics mostly, politics largely, the place of women, the place of all other races, and a host of other subjects. I dearly love writers of the past, without feeling that their ideas on practical subjects necessarily apply to today. Life without change is death.

But this is my last post to you, I know there is no point to this one or the last one either. I don't hope to change your mind about homosexuality. I just hope to change your ideas slightly about who would speak up for gay marriage, gay rights, etc. We are not who you assume. >>>>

I have yet to see a more intelligent and well-written thread on imdb than this.

Great post. =)


I should know better too...I don't know if you consider me young, as I'm 44, but I'd like to say I don't have the slightest intention of "scaring" anyone when I call them on being an intolerant prick, which, BTW, you are. I'm simply pointing out the truth. And when boys in the locker room stop "highfiving" each other piccadillos, then we'll talk. And lastly, no one is "embracing homosexuality as an ideal". What we are embracing is freedom for people to exist in a way that they are content. The human race and the US are in no danger of extinction from lack of procreation.


Boy, do you have a stick up your (Bleep). Maybe if you got laid you'd stop spouting all that "conservative" retoric.


Some people just need to learn to live, and let others live. Unless someone is killing, hurting, or raping someone, I shouldn't (and don't) have anything to say about it.

"I like my coffee black, just like my metal"


" Unless someone is killing, hurting, or raping someone,"

nice platitude but tough to see implemented in life


I was going to express disappointment about your behavior, but I'm beginning to see a pattern...

You throw out the words PC and leftist like it's a defense mechanism to some insecurity, which I don't care about. In order for our culture - whatever that is - to survive, we all must reject bisexuality and homosexuality? If so, reject it in what way? I recall when such folks were arrested in clubs and having access to magazines - would you prefer a return to those days? Then there was the hazing of those suspected of being gay based on asinine criteria, such as disliking football - do you consider this okay? Homosexuality was no more celebrated than heterosexuality anywhere. Would you prefer a return to Comstockery? What's with lumping politics and sexual orientation? What are your views on Log Cabin Republicans?

Homosexuality is an aberration in nature, but it's not unnatural as claimed by certain groups, since it happens throughout the animal kingdom and Man is a part of it. What's your beef with gay marriage or even civil unions? If you're not interested fine, I don't like cauliflower and barely tolerate broccoli. It's not as if someone's forcing you to French, excuse me, Freedom Kiss a dude. Do you fear waking up with a hangover in a Vegas hotel, to find out you've wed a dude? Maybe it'd be worse if you found out you're the bottom...

What is "intolerantly tolerant?" You're making a fuss over nothing and demonstrating the same degree of PCness as extremists.


We know better because we are clearly smarter than every generation that came before us, FACT. First homosexuality is not abnormal it has been around since the dawn of time and will be here forever more. You cant understnand it because there is probably very little about this world that you do understand. And the part about the beasts... well actually apes and various other animals within nature do take part in same sex relationships as a way of creating graeter social bonds and in some cases just for fun so there you go jack ass. iF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT THAT MEANS YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO AN OPINION BECAUSE LOGICALLY THAT MEANS YOUR OPINION IS HOLLOW AND WORTHLESS.


You have the right to hate gays and those of us that don't hate gays have the right to say you are an idiot.So what's the problem?


From Babybird: "Feel free to do whatever you'd like in your bedroom but don't expect the rest of us to highfive you over your peccadilloes."
Nice touch of irony for an anti-gay rant, given that the "high-five" was by reliable accounts invented by a gay, black Major League baseball player named Glenn Burke with his LA Dodgers teammate Dusty Baker.


<<< by - fillingh on Tue Dec 29 2009 08:36:55
look up the meaning of words before you use them. Equivocal is certainly not the right own. But I take your point, if you want to be prejudiced, go ahead, you show your own caliber. >>>>>>

OWNAGE!! You crushed the OP's post with this. Love it!


Okay. Please to be keeping your heterosexuality private too. It offends me that you may someday reproduce.



Haha, niiiice. *high-fives* ^_^


My thoughts exactly.


"homosexuals want much much more than that. They want acceptance and preference and to force it on everyone through fear"

Of course they want more than to be left alone.

Just like you, they want to be regarded as an equal and enjoy the same consistent human rights and protections you enjoy as a hetero in America.

Not preference, but an even playing field.

Isn't it time we drafted a true equal human rights bill in this country?



It amazes me, here in 2010, that "people" such as the OP actually exist. You're, um, well, a bad person. Good luck with your hatred and intolerance. Hope that pays off for you.

"Let's go get sushi, and not pay."


I think this impression that gays are "always getting in your face" comes more from movies than real life. Most cinema gays are less real, believable human characters than "political statement" by Hollywood. Very few gays in real life go around getting in the face of straight the way they do in movies, there's some radical lesbian here and there, and there are the "blue oyster bar" types who get on a parade float wearing nothing but a police hat and a jock strap. There will always be a small number of men who go gay, and I don't think it is "destroying society." What I don't like are people who act like the normal heterosexual man's attitude of "yuck" with the thought of taking it up the A** is somehow just the result of being brainwashed by "evil rednecks." People who say this know as little about straight men than they accuse us of ignorance of gays. It reminds me of a party I was at where there was a motorcyle type guy talking to me and another hippish guy. The motorcyle guy was going on about Harley and told this joke of how "Riding a Japanese bike is like effing a guy up the A**" he went on about how "you were riding high having a great time...and then someone sees you." The biggest laugh was when the hippie responded "Wait a minute, it's not that I don't want to be SEEN doing's that I don't want to DO it period."



No, but you have to endorse homosexuality to be a sympathetic human being...

"I've been turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn; I still try"


go to hell you homophobic sh+tbag.

Nessarose:What's in the punch?
Boq:Lemons and melons and pears
Nessarose:Oh my!
