MovieChat Forums > Taking Woodstock (2009) Discussion > What is up with all the gay stuff?

What is up with all the gay stuff?

Why did we need to see the gay kiss or the gay man dressed like a woman so much? I thought it was about Woodstock. The movie bored me from start to finish.


LOL because no "gay stuff" happened at woodstock.
i was born in the mother fu_king 1990's and i obviously understand that era more than you do.
it was called the sexual revolution for a reason.
not the "let's make sure no one is uncomfortable and be loving married straight couples" revolution.
because guess what, then it wouldn't be anything special or.. revolutionary!

stupid people. god damn it. read about american fu_king history.



HAHA agreed.

"Sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing, and right now is one of those times."


it was called the sexual revolution for a reason.

Here's the point (and either no one is succinctly making it or several people aren't bright enough to digest it):

You are correct, the 60's were the period of the sexual revolution, and there is no problem with gay folks at Woodstock.

Here is the issue;
Let's start with a cliche, "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".

In other words, using some cinematic subtlty, the guy can be clearly gay without sucking some other rump ranger's tongue down his throat on camera.

Have you ever noticed that the more successful and popular horror films keep gore at more subtle artistic levels?

Because I suspect you and a few others on this board are not exactly the sharpest tools in the drawer, I'm going to connect all these dots for you and draw the conclusion for you...

If only a small minority of people (filmgoers, film critics, the population of the world, etc) are actually gay, then making a film that goes past subtlty on the gay display is naturally a recipe for disaster.

Oh by the way, the fact that this particular film did very poorly should sufficiently prove my point.

The lesson being:
Try and cram a minority position down the throat of the majority and failure can be assured.

Gee, I sure hope I don't offend the twisted elbow with this dose of logic and common sense.



Also, how is two guys kissing too vulgar? I could understand if you were 10 it might seem gross, but honestly, any adult should be able to watch that without flinching. Well, unless you're overtly religious or "sensitive". ;)

Thank you for asking...First, I'm considerably older than 10, and I'm not
over(t)ly religious or sensitive.

Second, I never said that I found two guys kissing vulgar.
I was making a point about mainstream cinema as it equates to mainstream America.
Seldom will the inhabitants of Missourri, Iowa, Nebraska, Arkansas, Texas, Maine, Pennsylvania (just to mention a few states) see two guys kissing in public. So consequently if your desire is to make a mainstream film you should plan on being less than successful if you ignore what that demographic finds aberrant.

It's not about my mores, in fact I could care less, other than I can't take a movie seriously while it pushes a hidden minority agenda.



And that agenda would be...?

I can't educate you in this medium. You either didn't watch the movie or you had your head in a very dark place while you were watching it.

Bruno and Borat are satire. In other words a parody of the very thing you seem to take seriously.



You need to see the gay kiss and all of the other gay stuff because we have to see all of the straight kisses and other straight stuff and we're sick of it! 1969, the year that the story is set, was a very important year in the history of gay rights; it was the first time that we came out of hiding and stood proud of who we are and began to demand that we have equal rights, a battle that we're still fighting to this day.






In classrooms,books, periodicals and journals (should you decide to pursue any form of higher learning), you will find that both in fact are socially deviant.

Even the dictionary in it's base definition could enlighten you.

Hey don't blame me, I didn't write this stuff.



In recognition of the scientific evidence, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the DSM in 1973, stating that “homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities.” After thoroughly reviewing the scientific data, the American Psychological Association adopted the same position in 1975, and urged all mental health professionals “to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with homosexual orientations.” The National Association of Social Workers has adopted a similar policy.

You still appear confused...I said social deviance, not mental illness.

It's not predicated upon how you feel in society but rather how society feels about you.

I'm happy you have cracked a few books, now keep up the good work and check "Social Deviance". I'm sure it will come to you.


[deleted]'s now officially pathetic that you can't grasp the point nor the definition.

The definition (and excuse me for paraphrasing) - All societies operate on a bell curve wherein behavior is considered normal only if a majority share of the population engage in it. Conversely, any behavior not typical of the majority is by definition deviant.

Beastiality, deviant.
homosexuality, deviant.

Denial much?


People who cut the crust off their sandwiches, deviant.


People who cut the crust off their sandwiches, deviant.

...only if the people who don't cut the crust off of their sandwiches (the majority)find it aberrant that the others do. Let me think...probably not.



that seems a little stupid to me. quite insulting too.


You would think they would have a cure for gayness by now wouldnt ya? Obviously a birth defect. Homophobic and proud of it


Worst thread I've read on imdb yet - so much homophobia it's sickening. Immature morons, the lot of you.

reply much homophobia it's sickening

Homophobia - "A term frequently misapplied by the garden variety homosexual as a catch-all phrase to describe any heterosexual who doesn't agree with an agenda they deem important"

Much like racist is overused in similar cases.


You do realize that every person is attracted to both sexes whether or not you want to admit it. Some people suppress it and it comes out as anger or disgust, because that is what society or your family has reinforced you with. Men and woman are attracted to themselves and the biggest pervs were the ones who had the most children. It is our instinct. A lot people are so scared of being rejected they would rather live hate filled, unhappy lives. A lot of gay people also suppress hatred for the opposite sex and are gay for a subconscious reason. perhaps they hate their mother or were hurt emotionally by a woman when they were younger. Of course these are only some observations I have seen about some people, but you can;t deny our instinct that wants to rape, steal, and kill. Also, I assume you have looked at gay porn, right? C'mon rightersbloc you know you love a big one.


how is pedophilia related in anyway to homosexuality??
honestly, present points on how it is related.
you are a demented person for even bringing that up.
like someone said a consensual relationship between two adults people should be perfectly legal, acceptable.... and oh..... none of anyone else's business.
worry about your own relationships and how you treat them, and not about limiting other peoples for no other reason than that it isn't "normal" or makes you uncomfortable.



Ang Lee loves pushing his liberal gay agenda on people.


It's like everyone posting here doesn't get it at all. Elliot Tiber IS Elliot Teichberg in the film. This is based on HIS experience. Jeezus.


The director delibrately put that scene in the movie just to irratate you!


I think this scene was included because it showed the changing attitudes of the younger generation of the 60's, the live and let live open-mindedness of the hippies. Before, homosexuality only whispered about and if it was suspected that you were gay, you were ostracized.



After reading this entire thread, I am SO glad I live in the state that I live in. Homophobia like that would never be tolerated around here. And many of the people here who claim they aren't homophobic, are. Ugh. I'm so glad I live in a place where people are welcoming, open and supportive to everyone.


I was about to ask you where you lived and if you were looking for a roommate or two, but I think I'll stay out here in the boonies and fight the good fight. Maybe when I retire.

Gay is here to stay. Open homophobia's days are numbered. Compassion will rule, and people will be allowed to love who they choose without oppression. Tolerance is the natural evolution of mankind.

Vanity fairgrounds and rebel angels can't be trusted with feathers so hollow.
