MovieChat Forums > Burlesque (2010) Discussion > Christina not beautiful?

Christina not beautiful?

REALLY?! I see people saying she's not attractive in this movie. If these people are male they could be gay (no judgement).
Im a straight guy and the only thing I could think about while watching this movie was how damn beautiful she was.
I understand people not thinking she is the most beautiful woman in the world, because everyone has different opinions in whats the most attractive attributes, but to say she is ugly is straight up an insane statement.
She is gorgeous as hell.

"I like to rock n' roll part of every day."


Well, I'm a straight female and I'm not about to say "but I'd do her." Ugh, I don't think people think about statements like that very

But Christina has a way to capture your attention, by not giving attention. She is focused on herself and her performance like a professional, so it comes across as that she is naturally very self possessed and confident. And she seems to be having fun, so if I were a male, yes, I'd find that appealing! She channels herself very well in EXPRESS.


She looks better in this movie than outside of the movie (ie, outside of this movie, it looks like she's trying her hardest to be a drag queen), but something about her just seems off, like you can tell even though the make up is toned down in the movie she's still plastered in it because without it either she or the make up artist realize she's pretty plain looking or something. Honestly with the amount of make up on her face I wouldn't be surprised if half her face had a giant wine coloured birth mark because the amount of make up just seem's very excessive for something not to be going on under there.


She has freckles. I read something on Allure Magazine that she would tell the makeup artist to cover her freckles. Oh and have you seen her wihout makeup? She is very plain looking. I saw her twice in person and to be honest, there's nothing striking about her.


I thought she looked great. I just didn't care for the hair, didn't really work for her.


I didn't like the short bobbed wig. The wig\extensions that she wore for most of the show seemed to be just too much hair. I didn't like the color of that one either but she is definitely pretty.

I can't see how anyone could possibly find her ugly or unattractive but to each his\her own.



Someone is jealous

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


I think Christina is beautiful. There are males even in this thread who said she isn't attractive to him because she isn't his type. There is not one women who is thought of as beautiful by all men. The majority but not all. Its not jealous women. Its men with different taste. Its that simple.


Christina was absolutely gorgeous in this movie - but in my opinion, much more so in her everyday look (long hair down, jeans and a simple shirt) than in her burlesque outfits. She was stunning.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Best Christina Aguilera and Kristen Bell ever looked.
IMO it was the worst Julianne Hough has looked
