MovieChat Forums > Echelon Conspiracy (2009) Discussion > Things I learned from watching Echelon C...

Things I learned from watching Echelon Conspiracy

1 - If you get a sms from someone you don't know asking to do something, don't hesitate, just do it
2 - No RadioShack in Prag, only Yuri
3 - Hackers from Moscow usually work part time as cab drivers in Prag
4 - All people in Czech Republic are either American or Russian
5 - If a girl , you just slept with, is fighting with a guy who is trying to kill you - don't help her!!!


I just learned 1 thing from watching this pile of garbage.

I shouldn't have; it was a waste of 100 minutes of my life.



194. If you see a slimly-built 20-something-year-old girl snap a man's neck with a belt, just roll with it and don't freak out. That's a standard move for undercover hotel security guards, which every European hotel has.

195. You are legally justified in snapping said neck if its owner is immobilised and basically helpless. (Personally, I call murder on that.)

196. Jetlag doesn't affect Americans.

197. If you've dispatched one assailant with a pointy fire-poker, don't bother trying to arm yourself with another one. It's probably safe to assume that you can kill the other guy with hand-to-hand combat.


198. Computers can listen to what your saying if your are threatening them, but they would only talk to you if you have a mic.


103. The top story of the news is that the senate didnt pass some bill. The aircraft that crashed after take-off with 100+ ppl dead they'll mention later.

104. When you're being chased by a train, dont take a few steps off the tracks and let it pass, instead keep running on the tracks and jump off at the last second. Also just sit still on the second track with no paying attention to any other trains...

105. A Navy SEAL have complete tunnelvision in traffic while being completly deaf. Does'nt pay any attention to cars or any sounds.

106. Cars in russia usually speed up even if theres something blocking the road.

107. While trying to outrun the FBI in a car, make sure to try and find a map!




200. Hotel clerks will refer to you as "Sir" twenty times a minute.

201. Snipers can't get a decent shot when their targets are crawling on the floor.

202. It's acceptable to login into someone you just slept with's laptop to reach Echleon without their permission and they'll be OK with it.


203. When you are Charlie Sheen and a big a$$hole to your employees, expect the coffee they serve you to be cold (or have their urine in it)



all of these notes are interesting and fun, but the most glaring example of stupid is a highly trained govt agent doesn't know how to hold a rifle. (specifically ed burns)


204. Wearing seatbelts in Russia is considered suspicious behavior to the police, you know, because Russia.

205. If you're lost in a strange city like Moscow, it's reasonable to expect and ask your equally-unfamiliar passenger that if he just whips out the handy paper map in the glove compartment, he'll be able to instantly locate where you are, and where you need to turn to get where you're going (or successfully evade your pursuers), after glancing at it a few seconds--whether the map is in Cyrillic or Roman lettering (although at least Cyrillic will match the street signs).

Understanding is a three-edged sword.
