someone explain this
Criston cole kills someguy last episode, nothing happens to him and still a kingsguard, Ser harwin strong beat him up lost his post and was force to leave kings landing, wtf is going on?
shareCriston cole kills someguy last episode, nothing happens to him and still a kingsguard, Ser harwin strong beat him up lost his post and was force to leave kings landing, wtf is going on?
sharelol... yeah, it's not quite working so far. We needed some kind of explanation as to why Cole wasn't charged with a crime.
shareThe show-runners decided to skip the wedding games celebration, definitely budget and no reason to do another after the tournament in the pilot.
So Joffrey Loudmouth had to be killed in some other fashion by Cole compared to the books.
Yes it was a weak idea to have him kill as a guest in the wedding ceremony itself. They could have actually had him kill him in background away from everyone.
Criston is subservient to wamen, Harwin is not, we can't have strong and honorable male figures on this feminist show.
sharei also laughed at the scene where criston calls rhaenerya a cunt. this like is they reversed the jilted lover trope in other shows where the woman is scorned and wants revenge. no, a man who gets fucked by a woman and then left does not become scorned. he got what he wanted and he wouldnt be so petty as to hate her for giving him her virginity. he might be sad she doesnt love him but he wouldnt be bitter about it. yes i know they tried to use his oath but that doesnt mean shit. there's no way the king's guard are actually virgins. it just means they can't get married, not never have sex.
shareSo far series had many interesting plot points that could have developed in interesting ways, like the one you described, yet nothing comes out of them.
Previous episodes I have watched immediately as they were broadcast, now I am not so eager.
Show is definitely on a slightly downwards trend.
Criston killed a nobody and then the queen protected him by making him her personal guard. Harwin had status too, the king didn't want to do anything beyond banning him.
shareAs someone else stated, Criston Cole was supposed to kill the Knight of Kisses during a tournament, but that was probably too expensive.
I also took issue with how it was glossed over. Even if Joffrey Lonmouth was a nobody, Criston (A) punched Laenor Valryon who isn't a nobody and (B) did so during Rhaenyra's wedding to Laenor.
There is some real nonsense in every episode lately. This is the latest example.
sharethere are tons of dumb shit that happens in this show but this is not really one of them. harwin only beat criston and it was over serious libel. he didn't kill him and he didnt severely beat him. harwin wasnt forced to leave by anyone in power. his father wanted to get him away from the court. so he asked the king to let harwin leave the king's service. he wasn't kicked out.