63. Security is incredibly lax at Hannah Montana concerts…esp if you have a golf cart
64. Security is incredibly lax at Hannah's video shoots, as well…the reporter can sneak into her tent...twice
65. Lilly is far more popular than previously indicated
66. Security at Lilly’s party is tighter than at Hannah's concerts and video shoots
67. The lovely American press would never bother HM, it’s only the EVIL BRITISH paparazzi that would do that…why? Cause Americans are awesome, and foreigners are bad…
67. Hannah’s manager can show up at Miley’s PE class and walk down the hallways loudly discussing Hannah's career…and STILL nobody figures out Miley’s secret…
68. They just don’t make collectible plates like they used to
69. “Can we re-schedule the dinner, Travis?” is not a phrase in Miley can tackle
70. That reporter's girls are about to really understand broken dreams, now that their father is unemployed