Just finished watching the original on TV. It's some kind of a sign that you just don't see the new version around.
And, I agree, there are all kinds of movies that just missed the mark, that in hindsight should have done this or that, or were victims of bad timing. Why not remake them?
Or, redo old stuff: there's a ton of black-and-white films (NO - NOT 'CASABLANCA')that were B-movies in their day, or popular but now outdated.
Remake and update them!
All those old gangster movies (aside from the classics) or the 'Dead End Kids', that no-one sees any more because no channel except Turner Classics shows them, and then only once in a blue moon.
All those old romantic comedies, update them with the latest starlets. Heck, 'Pretty Woman' is exactly that, only she's a hooker instead of the original version, who would have been a secretary or a shop-clerk.
'My Best Friend's Wedding' is any one of those movies about a sweet ingénue and her fiancé, and the scheming bitch who tries (unsuccessfully) to break them up. Told,of course, from the POV of the scheming bitch.
'Pelham 1,2,3,' did not need remaking.