Is this movie that awful?
shareIts not good!
shareIt is more of B movie quality, in terms of both writing and direction, and I think people had expectations.
shareNo, it isn't awful. It wouldn't even be in my bottom 10 of this year. I rated it a 6/10.
shareI just watched it finally thinking it would be terrible like all the online critics have said, but it is pretty enjoyable. It’s not a great movie, but certainly not terrible. Definitely prefer it to weaker films in the MCU and DCEU and the other live-action Sony Spider-verse movies.
shareJust saw it yesterday. Expectations were lukewarm, but I do love DJ.
It was awful. You can tell when the film makers, and even the actors don't really care about the project they are on. Had that "mailed in" sort of feel. The casting of the bad guy was a poor choice.
Wow, up to 3.9!!!!!!!!!!!
shareI finally decided I wanted to watch Madame Web as I rented it from my local library. I get that they were kind of going for a female version of Spiderman with Cassie Web(Dakota Johnson) and the origin with her Mom being bitten by a Spider before child birth. It was just weird and made no sense once she was protecting the group of teenage girls from the villain and then all of a sudden leaves them to go back to the Jungle where her Mom got bitten. The story was laughable and made barely any sense. Dakota Johnson felt like she gave the same performance she did in the 50 Shades of Grey movies. By the end I was laughing at her as the movie made her as a Charles Xavier type of character leading this new trio of Super Heroes for sequels that will never get made. I totally see this movie catching on like Showgirls or The Room where it gets Roast Screenings. 1 out of 5 rating for me and that's being generous. It would be a great movie while getting drunk or high with your friends and laughing your ass off.
shareNo, but it’s not great 5.5/10