Not very good looking

I didn't see the film yet but from pictures and porn videos available I have to say that she is an average looking woman. Her face is OK-ish, but she has no bust to speak of, is too skinny and overall her body proportions are not super attractive, to be polite. I don't understand why people call her "gorgeous". I'm not talking about bedroom skills here, just looks. I understand that tastes differ, but I think she's a bit of an acquired taste type.




She's not beautiful, but there is something alluring about her. She looked her best in this film, compared to her pornos.

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


I don't think she's average looking, I think she's pretty. I'm 22 and female. She has small eyes, but they are sexy, a good face shape, I like how her lips are shaped, she has long dark brown hair, cute boobs and a somehow she has a good sized butt even though she's skinny which is interesting. Make a confession at



I'm a woman and I'm very drawn to her as well. I like the pale skin with the long dark hair and eyes look. I also really like her figure but women are okay with small breasts.

Voting History:


She just has something about her that is alluring and sexy. She is not model pretty and she looks closer to the normal women you see on the street and I think that's a huge part of her appeal. BTW she is not short I believe she is 5'7".



"Not very good looking" say all the guys sitting alone in their rooms typing messages on the internet...

I'm sure you're all too busy fighting off more attractive young women to return her calls.


True, there are many women in "Hollywood", on TV or in films, that are as pretty or prettier than she is.
In fact, there are many porn starletts that are more beautiful and sexier than she is.
Yes, that is subjective, but that generally is the across-the-board consensus.
She's not unattractive, but not outstanding.


Average looking woman???

The 35 year old lady working double shift at the cash register at K-Mart.... now that's average!

If what you said were true, then there'd be a shortage of condoms globally.

