MovieChat Forums > Twilight (2008) Discussion > So Edward has been going to school forev...

So Edward has been going to school forever and none of the teachers say anything about it?





If you read the books, the Cullens would migrate to different houses and locations around the country, and go under assumed names. They were rich enough to own property all over the place, and had means of living under different identities over a period of time. They usually only stayed in one spot for at least a decade or two, and then would leave before the humans in the area got suspicious about their lack of aging.

In fact, Edward explained to Bella that if the younger Cullens chose to pretend to be high school students, usually he, Alice, and Jasper would attend all 4 years of high school; while Rosalie and Emmet would only attend Junior and Senior years, since they couldn't really fake looking or behaving like Freshmen or Sophomores.

Bella's high school wasn't the only school the younger Cullens had been "attending" under the guise of students. The color of the graduation hats on that collage is a good indicator.

According to what I had gathered from the books, the Cullens had only recently moved back into their house in the forest, after being away for a few decades. In fact, they had been living with another vampire "coven" of animal-blood drinkers up in Alaska before they came back to Forks.

I must say, the style and construction of their house in the novels made more sense than the films. In the movies, the Cullen house looked like some weird, retro 60s house built on a cliff. In the books, it started out as a beautiful Victorian mansion that had been upgraded over time, with glass walls on one side of the house overlooking the forest. In case of emergencies, it had metal shutters that could be activated with a remote control to protect the house from vampiric invaders.


The phrase is “none of the teachers SAYS anything about it.” “None” is singular, as in “no one.”

I guess you didn’t spend enough time in school.


Of course, I didn't stay in school for hundreds of years like your Edward.


Sorry, the english major in me needs to speak up.

None can be singular or plural as it can represent not one, no part, or not any. Since teachers was pluralised, using the plural verb is acceptable.
