MovieChat Forums > Twilight (2008) Discussion > When did people started to hate this????

When did people started to hate this????

I don't get it why? I used to like it. I wasn't a crazy fan. Actually, i never found Edward nor Jacob to be attractive. Maybe that's why!
Maybe, when you start fangirling over a movie, it ends up like this. A sh***y chick flick. What is your reason??


My sister stopped liking it after all the craziness with the movies and fan obsession. She loved the books before the movie came out. Also her boyfriend whined about the movies and she listens to him about everything so she stopped liking it because of him too.


That's pretty typical. Women who hate Twilight only do so because men hate it, and such women seek male approval.


Just like in Twilight.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Nonsense. Twilight is an excellent model for male/female relations and we should follow its example. If more men were like Edward and Jacob IRL the world would be a much better place.



Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Women like Nicole Hering's sister are products of internalized misogyny-she's the same type of woman who hates soap operas as well, and pretends to like football and so on. It's so sad that society perpetuates the message that in order to be equal, women must reject their own femininity and behave like men; as if masculinity is inherently superior.


Nonsense. Twilight is an excellent model for male/female relations and we should follow its example. If more men were like Edward and Jacob IRL the world would be a much better place.

You're like... trolling, right?



Translation:Twilight is popular with women, and therefore is automatically idiotic because women are idiotic. Only men's media is allowed to succeed.


Of course I'm not trolling. Edward and Jacob were virgins until marriage; that alone makes them superior to 99% of IRL men and their relationships better than 99% of IRL ones. The dudes in Twilight fall in love with women; whereas IRL men just use women for sex. Of course the world would be better if it was more like Twilight-there would be much less sexual promiscuity and women would be treated like ladies, not as whores. Men are much more respectful of women in Twilight than they are IRL.



twilight is B U L L S H I T
Yet I bet you defend men's bullsh*t like Batman, football, and Transformers.

Also the fact that you were a virgin until marriage does not make you a good person.
Yes it does, because it means that you're not a whore.

twilight is for brainless many women hate twilight.
Yes, self hating women who want to kiss men's asses. They have rejected their own femininity in exchange for male approval as an act of internalized misogyny. These are the same women who pretend to like sports so that their husbands and male friends will think that they're cool.



A whore is a person who sleep around. if you are in a committed relationship to one person, you are not a whore.
But most people have had sex without even being in a relationship. Most people have had sex with at least one person that they don't even love. Thus, the comparative moral superiority of the Twilight characters.

You can say women are attacked. Majority of people who hate twilight for good reasons are WOMEN AS WELL.
The majority of people who hate Twilight are men and their female sycophants. These women hate Twilight because men hate it, and they're jumping on the bandwagon because they're desperate for male approval.


^I disagree. I read the books and watched the movies, and I'm a female. And I STILL didn't like them. I can't even read Breaking Dawn without finishing it. They are just dull to me. I watched part 1 and didn't even bother watching part 2 because it was boring. I have my own mind and don't follow the crowd. So that's not true at all.


I completely disagree with you. I'm a female and I don't dislike the books or the movie to get approval from men. I dislike them because they all poorly written and the story lines (where there is any; are weird and borderline abusive).

I read the first book in one day, whilst on holiday. I re read it after I bought the second and third book and realized why I managed to read it so quickly. I was an easy read but after the first 100 pages the proof reading just stopped. I became difficult to read.

How Meyer came up with the whole Werewolves soulmate is disturbing; beyond any measure. The only reason the Bella liked Edwards was because of an instant attraction.

In this case the films were marginally better than the books; at least you didn't have to try and ignore all of the errors in writing. I sometimes still watch the films; as background noise - you don't have to pay an attention to the story and you wouldn't miss anything if you left the room for 20 minutes.

The real reason why I read all the books and films is because I can say how bad they are.


You can say women are attacked. Majority of people who hate twilight for good reasons are WOMEN AS WELL.
The majority of people who hate Twilight are men and their female sycophants. These women hate Twilight because men hate it, and they're jumping on the bandwagon because they're desperate for male approval.

Literally not even true. I'm female and I could literally not care less if men approve of my dislike of Twilight. I dislike Twilight cause it's horribly written and instead of being romantic, it's creepy. I admit, I did enjoy it at one point but after reading the 4th book, I couldn't pretend I was ok with the horrible writing and unhealthy relationship between Edward and Bella, at least in the first couple of books.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


People like you are the reason why twilight fans are considered dumb


It was just an all around awful movie, fandom doesn't detract from how bad it is.



I'll be nice about it. I HAVE watched the Twilight movies. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bored out of mind. I found it dull and felt no chemistry between the leads. Not even in the books (yes I did read the books. I read the source before I watch the movies). Yes I'm aware Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were a real life couple, but their chemistry on screen felt forced. I love romance like the next person and vampires are my favorite mystical monsters, but I just didn't like this movie.



It hasn't died. It's just laying dormant, like volcanoes do. The embers are still there, waiting for new material to scorch and burst into flames. The Phoenix will rise again from the ashes.



When it first came out people were mad because the vampires weren't "traditional", but now I think it's mainly feminists making up reasons to complain about for their bullshít cause.

I go to seek a great perhaps.


I may not agree with all their viewpoints, but I also don't agree that "they're making up reasons to complain about for their BS cause". Numerous non-feminists have blasted the books and movies for similar reasons as well. However, some feminists defend it. Namely, Stephenie Meyer and Catherine Hardwicke.

Others who dislike Twilight:

Sexist guys annoyed by "popular female stuff".

The mythology haters.

Then there are those who believe everything about this franchise is bad.


I think people hated it since it came out.


I think people started to hate this because it was the trendy thing to do.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


I think it was more so because it became overexposed even before the movies it was overexposed and when the movies came out it went into overdrive and you started seeing Twilight everywhere.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


The overexposure certainly allowed more people to see its flaws.

Can't stop the signal.


I can's speak for everyone but I can speak for myself so I'll explain my views on it.

To be honest, I actually didn't read the books until after the first three had been published and about a year before the first movie and fourth book came out. Even though I considered myself a fan after reading the first three, there were still things that bugged me about the books. Then the fourth book came out and it really made me angry, angry enough that I wasn't even willing to put up with the things that bothered me in the first three anymore. That didn't stop me from seeing the first three movies willingly and cause I wanted to. I think a part of me was still a fan and so, therefore, a part of me wanted to see the films.

But really, my dislike started because of the fourth book. I really truly hated the books for a while. Now I suppose I'm just kind of indifferent. Sure, I still don't like some of the stuff in the books, but I don't really let it affect me on a day to day basis because it's really not that important in the grand scheme of things. Why should I let it bother me when it doesn't even really matter to me anymore, especially since there are other books/movies I actually enjoy that I'd rather think about and use my energy to read/watch/discuss/think about?

This is my signature.


I think it's with New Moon where the anti-Twilight heat REALLY cranked to 11, that's when I remember it getting really heated. Because honestly, this first one really...isn't...all THAT bad.

Sure, it has its cringey moments when it comes to some of the Edward/Bella scenes after the 1st hour mark, and Robert Pattison really does stink up the joint (until Jackson Rathbone shows up, LOL holy *beep* no wonder TLA bombed), but I gotta be fair...I just couldn't bring myself to hate it. For what it was, it was kind of okay. Get a more talented writer involved/send this script through a few more rewrites and you could've actually made this series work.

Like, if you were to display Edward's increasing protectiveness/possessiveness as a BAD thing, you could slowly evolve him into the villain of the series that screws everything up for his vampire friends. It could intertwine with the whole conflict with the Native American werewolf/European vampire rivalry that Jacob brought up and have Bella be the one to A) realize what's going on and how everything's about to be *beep* up since she's on the inside with vampires, and B) be an important part of stopping it all by realizing what Edward is doing; she could grow as a character from just being an object of his obsession (because of her own insecurities, maybe brought upon by depression? You could make a case for Bella = depressed) to using his obsession with her against him during a pivotal moment and save both the vampire and werewolf tribe from tearing each other apart and getting themselves and the town of Forks destroyed. She starts out as a weaker character that falls for Edward's manipulation (which is what vampires are indeed known for) and evolves into a stronger one that's able to break free from it once things turn for the worse. There's a neat idea in here if you've got a good enough imagination.

But alas...Stephanie Myers instead cranked up the bad romance angle up to 11, throwing all that potential intrigue out the window, so the rest of the series suffers for it.

This first movie here, it's a 5/10. Right in the middle average. Not "OMG THE WORST THING EVER", not really good either, but it did have potential to be saved in better hands, so I'm counting that for something.


I hate it cause its freeging stupid, there
