MovieChat Forums > Next Day Air (2009) Discussion > It reminded me a lot to the Guy Ritchie ...

It reminded me a lot to the Guy Ritchie films(Lock Stock... and Snatch)

When I watched the movie I kept having the feeling that this is like some kind of a tribute to Guy Ritchies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch. Does anyone else feels this way too?


Definitely. The last few scenes also reminded me of the ending in True Romance.


Yea it sure did to me too, thats why I enjoyed it. I was thinking it was gonabe another "Blue Streak" or something on that level with abuncha cliches characters. Just wished it was a little more indepth with the characters.


The 3 idiot bank robbers, and that whole "bank" robbery scene is definately a homage to the movie Snatch.

"When people do not have a past, they must create myths to supplement the facts of their existence"




I saw the similarity as soon as I saw the trailer. Same cinematic style too.

Note I haven't seen the movie though.


Exactly what i was thinking throughout.


only thing i didnt like was the people that ended up dying in the end lol
they killed the characters that you end up liking rather than the ones you dont (like in lock stock for example)


True, I thought Shavoo was gonna die(Oneof my favorite characters in the movie) and Epps was gonna live for sure But they twisted a few things around. SHowing how karma caught up with Gooch n Epps as well as Bodega n RHino. I kinda had a feeling Jesus was gonna live but then started thinking "well damn guess he did die, all that Santeria for nothing".
I got a Sixth sense, because I see dead presidents!



Not so much Lock Stock but obviously Snatch comes to mind. Another movie it reminded me of in both plot and filming techniques is Running Scared with Paul Walker. However, I actually liked this one better because it could be taken seriously when it was supposed to be and like Snatch, the humor was hilarious. As cool as I thought Running Scared was, I don't think I even laughed once.


Running scared wasnt supposed to make you laugh.
I got a Sixth sense, because I see dead presidents!


I've only seen the trailer, and it looks like a total Guy Ritchie ripoff.....lame.


its not even close to a Guy Ritchie film. Its material from a graphic novel, I loved Running scared one of my favorites but Snatct an Lock stock is on another plateau

I got a Sixth sense, because I see dead presidents!


"I've only seen the trailer, and it looks like a total Guy Ritchie ripoff.....lame."

Huh, judging by the trailer I had seen near its release, I was expecting more an urban Pineapple Express...stoner, buddy comedy (Faison & Mos Def) with some violence/action scenes thrown in. Marketed completely wrong although probably helped with what little box office it had. Still would have liked more Mos Def, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by the more Guy Ritchie feel to the production. As said in the summary on the main page...good acting, pacing and production values added up to a pretty decent and dare I say, underrated film.


