How woke is it?

Get Out was racist garbage wrapped in a competently made horror film (albeit a Stepford Wives rip-off). Imagine if the races were reversed and we saw a white character brought into a black neighbourhood by his black girlfriend, where he was captured and violently assaulted as part of a hideously evil black supremacy plot.

The screams of ‘racism’ and subsequent riots would make Floyd-gate look like a children's birthday party.

And yet, we’re supposed to accept this racist propaganda from Jordan Peele the way Jews were expected to accept their second class citizenship in Nazi Germany before things really ramped up. We’re expected to watch it, pay for the privilege, and if you complain the little wokey brownshirts come out and try to bully/gaslight/cancel you into compliance (that bit’s always funny cos they’re inevitably fucking stupid little cunts - we might see some in this thread if we’re lucky…)

I refused to watch Us after hearing reports that it was also woke racist crap, as well as being meh all round. So… should I pass on Nope as well, or has Peele dropped the agenda for once? I really hope so, because there’s a talented filmmaker hiding inside that big fat obnoxious woke blob 🙏🏻


you're an idiot
