not really BAD spoilers....
just wondering about a thing that didn't fit very well....
Ok, so the subplot of the monkey freaking out on set after colored balloons popped....
I can easily stretch that into
"it was caused by alien mental electricity" back then,
"a territorial animal defending his area" mirroring the main plot, I get that...
but was there any other point for it I missed? I feel like that whole section could have been removed and it was completely unnecessary for the story at all. ???
There was the similar episode where the horse at the beginning was spooked by the man holding a mirrored ball in front of the horse and the horse (somewhat) freaked out, ruining the shoot. Are those related in meaning, and how?
I read a really long winded description of how the young monkey got old, spooked by balloon popping, freaked back to his animal instincts... same with the horse getting spooked, same with the monster??? somehow.... it got older, instead of just grabbing the horse, took everyone at that "show".
i guess they somehow spooked the creature? I must have missed that part. looked more like baiting to me.
anyway, it was a decent enough movie to watch. maybe some of the meanings weren't clear enough... at least not to me.
Have you ever seen video of animal researchers that set up mirrors in the wild and record animals reacting to it? Animals usually interpret their reflection as another animal and attack the mirror.
The horse looking into the mirror set it off because it thought it was another animal. "Never look it in the eye" is an ongoing theme of animals seeing eye contact as aggression.
The monkey was spooked because the balloon floated up into the stage lights and popped. Fear of loud sounds is an extremely innate animal instinct. He immediately located the source of the problem, the little girl who opened the box, and maimed her until he thought the threat was eliminated. He killed the dad because he also saw him as a threat. He still put his paw up to the little boy because he had a close relationship with him and didn't associate him with danger.
No matter how much they trained the monkey he was still a wild animal. No matter how much Jupe trained the alien it was still a wild animal. He smiled right before he died because he was happy to this time see confirmation of "the circle of life" in a way that confused him as a child with a trained monkey who attacks everyone but him. The conundrum he fixated on his entire life (hence the weird hidden room) was finally put to rest.