Compared to Bad Lieutenant

How does this compare to the Harvey Keitel one?

I have only seen this one... I thought it was good, elevated by Cage and had some nice Herzog touches...


Both are great films in their respective ways. The 1992 version takes a raw, unflinching approach to its story and character. Harvey Keitel at times seems to be in genuine pain while going through the throes of various drug highs.

Compared to the original, the Herzog/Cage film is a hilarious send-up of dirty cop dramas that resembles its predecessor in name and basic premise only. Cage unleashes pure substance abuse-fueled insanity that helps carry the film through some of the most defining scenes of his career. If you like movies that start out silly and get increasingly crazier, this will leave you mesmerized.

Like I said, both movies are great in their individual ways. If I were to watch both in one night, I would view the serious one before the fun one.


Well stated
The Keitel original was a better movie but Cage did some of his best work and made his version a zany, loopy ride

I enjoyed both quite a lot but prefer the original


I’ve only seen the first one and I’m a big fan. Should I give this one a shot?

I’ve never been a Cage fan, but I saw Vampire’s Kiss recently and I loved his wacky performance so much that I think I’m warming up to him.


I’ve been on a bit of a Cage kick these past few months, he has done a bunch of ‘phone-in’ jobs on crummy films owing to his past insane spending habits and debt but I liked this one a lot.

Keitel did it better and way more raw and grim but the Cage one is very good.



Cage has never "phoned it in", even during his crummy film phase.


Yeah compared to a lot of formerly A-list stars who find themselves slumming in straight-to-video B-movies (such as Travolta, Bruce Willis, Steven Seagal, etc), Cage puts lots of effort into pretty much every movie I've seen him in. I think his worst performance was probably WINDTALKERS way back in 2002 where he seemed checked out for the whole film but it's likely that Woo directed him that way. Cage seems extremely ill-at-ease in war movies for some reason (like with that USS INDIANAPOLIS movie) but still he gives it his all.
