Thanks to this show...

We now know a lot about what kind of people (namely women) are working at Disney. They:

- are very left-wing
- are horrendously stupid
- are very thin-skinned and can't take any criticism
- behave like spoiled brats when they don't get what they want
- evidently still have their little minds stuck in the 80s and 90s when women were sexually harassed and disrespected in the workplace, particularly at jobs where men used to dominate (did they really forget #metoo that quickly?)
- have no idea how the real world works outside of L.A.
- hate men, and yet can't understand why nobody wants to sleep with them
- think wiggling your butt like a monkey begging for sex is "empowering"
- make a big deal about female rappers that nobody knows or cares about
- think all men are either weak little losers, incels, or disrespectful pigs that use women
- can't write a story to save their lives
- don't even bother to consult anyone on story-writing outside their little clique of friends (who are equally clueless)
- are fans of really crappy tv dramas from 20 years ago
- are more concerned with their own personal politics than actually telling a [good] story
- are drunk when not working
- live alone and don't have any respect for traditional families
- either hate kids or want to sexualize them for no other reason than to appease their rainbow mafia friends
- think that their characters' biggest enemy are online trolls and youtube personalities instead of actual comic book villains
- can't even admit that an important component of [heterosexual] marriage is the groom
- do not understand or respect the comic book lore at all
- don't understand why pissing off the fans isn't winning them any popularity contests or bringing money into the studio
- can't understand why a selfish, narcissistic, misandrist, drunken slut is not appealing as a superhero

Verdict: Jessica Gao is a disgusting old Cow that has no business being in charge of superhero films of any kind, and I'll be glad if her shitty show gets canceled.


also: admittedly disregarded the source material


Yeah, it looks like a lame vanity project for Jessica Cow. She didn't even try to make it a superhero story, or a superhero-themed courtroom dramedy. It failed on all those fronts.


Only reason anyone would sleep with Gao would be to get/keep a job.
