MovieChat Forums > She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) Discussion > They are doing to ruin Daredevil on this...

They are doing to ruin Daredevil on this show aren't they?

They are supposedly making the character more "lighthearted" or whatever and considering how bad the writing for this show is I don't think it will end up being good.


The worst they could do is make Daredevil her love interest, which I'm sure is going to happen with certainty.


When I think of guest-stars for a show like this, DD is not the type that comes to mind. I hope he doesn't go from serious ass-whipping to comedy. (ugh)


You mean like he was by this?

I can do this all day


The TC probably only knows Daredevil from the 2003 movie and the Netflix show. Daredevil wasn't a dark gritty comic series til Frank Miller made him that way in the 80s. Before then he was somewhat comedic. He had a villain named the Owl who looked like an owl. Another villain of his was a guy named Stilt Man who was just a guy who walked on really high stilts.

I understand being upset at Daredevil being comedic in this after the great Netflix series but it won't be as bad as you are making it to be.


Wasn't Frank Miller also the first one to make Batman dark? Does that mean if they made a campy Batman movie like Batman and Robin, it sucks any less? Didn't superman start off not being able to fly? would it therefore be cool if they made a Superman who cannot fly?

All comicbook characters evolved over time. Your logic does not make sense.


Actually, Batman was dark from the 30s through the 50s until the Comics Code Authority came in and ruined everything.

Also if you think this show is as bad as Batman and Robin, you're a fool. He also was dark in the 70s before Frank Miller. It was only in the late 50s and 60s Batman was cheesy.


Doesn't change my point though does it.


But oh my… this hasn’t been said enough ever since this was “shockingly” confirmed by the “lesser” talents handling this show. I tell ya tho, this is the place to ask a question like this. Yup, no biased angry voices here! ;)

Oh excusa.. yes. If you believe this legendary character will be ruined, then he indeed will be. :) He’s done for! He’ll never recover from yet another dark-less, fun and perhaps carefree appearance added to his Marvel history. What, this particular version of DD played by Charlie Cox that many (far from all) have come to know will be ruined? Well, that’s certainly according to many gatekeepers who believe Daredevil has only shown 1 side of himself in the comics and obvs the ultra gritty once-Netflix show (which actually wasn’t made by Netflix contrary to popular belief) that supposedly never showed Matt cracking jokes and having a good time with anyone. (Spoiler: he did in fact show his lighter, happier side there.)

Well fact is, good ol’ Devil of Hell’s Kitchen has always had a lighter side. Comics? Even in his grittier stories he’s been a fairly sarcastic and humorous guy — moreso than he was in the Netflix-verse. He ain’t all doom and gloom, if you will. And him appearing in a META comedy series like She-Hulk? What did y’all expect? Total dark & brooding Matt? It’s pretty evident more serious characters we’ve seen in the franchise before are going to show their, yes, lighter+funnier side in this series. As such, rather than “making” Daredevil lighter, they’re gonna show him in a less gritty environment and that will be, um, appropriate. Fr, how seriously can he actually be taken if he pops up in this and acts the way he did when he went up against Kingpin in the old series? The show AND audiences wouldn’t be able to take him seriously THEN. Deadpool: I’m Batman>>>>>


Nah? Well, I know full well how the ultra gatekeepers are against him coming to the real MCU cuz apparently he’ll never be done justice here like he was by other Disney-owned companies in the (far-from-flawless) Netflix-verse. Side note: lucky for ya Feige wasn’t allowed to use the character in the MCU by Marvel Entertainment execs a decade ago otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Now “questionable” lightheartedness aside, the writing is what will ultimately make or break it for you, right? Fair, I guess. Although given that the show’s writing to you, and to some critics not screaming the tired buzzwords a la Reich wing and claiming “Disney is anti-white bro!” (this site in a nutshell), has been poor… well then there’s a very good chance the character will be RUINED for you in this. For good tho? That’ll be your problem, pal. But chill, E. After all this is only gonna be, at least for now, 1 appearance in this series. (Damn right I wish it was more than that, he looks marvelous AF in the trailers.)

Let the tortured soul actually be his non-dark self and have some fun…. like in numerous DD stories… before his old friend darkness comes back to consume him even if it might not be completely. Now I loved the once-Netflix show myself, but he’s more than that iteration. He is now in the MCU and will FINALLY interact with major Marvel characters he’s only ever interacted with in non-live action and, oh yeah, fourth wall breaking She-Hulk will be one of them! It’s been a long time coming. With all that said, I’m positive they’ll stay true to the character in She-Hulk. Still worried about his future in the MCU? K, well if the folks behind this franchise do rUiN him (for you, for undoubtably biased angry voices, and for some open-minded but genuinely concerned fans), the old show that to many of its fans will never be match (let alone surpassed) no matter what will always be there. But a different creative team doing different things with an established character they are now handling? Just like the comics, bro. It should be done regardless. (Shhh: unkewl me believes there can be improvements made from the Netflix-verse. *gasps*)

In closing… welcome home, Matt! 😎


Oh, the old "it happened in the comics don't y'know" excuses. After 50 years of comics about the same characters, pretty much everything has happened and dozens of versions of every character have been portrayed. Doesn't mean a campy Adan West Batman would be an appropriate sequel to The Batman. Apparently we are supposed to be happy with an underwhelming version of Daredevil that doesn't resemble Daredevil from the Neflix shows(you know, the one everyone likes), because at some point a comicbook writer wrote a funny panel with Deadpool and Daredevil in it. I see. I am sure it is all OUR FAULT and not the people making the show and fucking up his character.


Honestly, that Daredevil mask thing was lame as fuck, so yes, probably. It was something that fits with this show, but not with Daredevil's character.
After the handling of King Pin in Hawkeye, I don't have any faith. And I thought other than that, Hawkeye was a great series. She Hulk already sucks.

It's weird, Marvel seem to have completely lost the plot when it comes to giving the fans what they want. Even when they do fanservice, they screw it up. Like the Illuminati and Reed Richards in Doctor Strange. Putting in John krasinski as Reed richards for 2 minutes was like a lame gimmick to me. And making them dumb and so easily killed by Wanda....not good.
Then we get to see a Netlix character in the MCU for the first time, who they have built up the whole series, and then Kingpin acts nothing like himself, turns up in person bizarrely instead of pulling strings from behind the scenes like we would expect, and gets beaten by an in experienced teenage girl almost as soon as he is introduced. Just terrible all round.


I'm afraid Disney has seriously misjudged its audience if it's going to go this direction with Daredevil. If they're going to turn the magnificent beast we got on Netflix into some fluffy, Mark Waid-style crap, that's not going to fly.


Yes. Yes they are.


I sure hope not. Charlie Cox's Daredevil is one of the very best characters in any Marvel live action movie and show.


Be ready to be dissapointed both with his run in She-Hulk and the upcoming reboot series Born Again.
