Mediocre CGI, a geriatric Keanu, NPH acting the same way he always does, a different feel than the rest of the series, seemingly retconned the story, and White Rabbit playing the entire time made the trailer move by slower.
I'll probably still watch it because I've seen the others, but this looks like shit.
The Matrix (1999) had (and has) a great 'feel' to it.
It's not the CGI, the design of the machines, the leather and cloth outfits and the sunglasses that made it good - it was good despite those things (though the CGI was used sparingly and tastefully to enhance the scenes, not to bore the audience - and many things people think is CGI (like the slowly exploding fire, for example), is actually NOT done on computers, but actual footage of an actual event/thing/element.
In any case, it's not about CGI, it's not even about the actors or characters as much as it is about the feel, the excitement, the amazing Kung-Fu coreography and the atmosphere, the feel, and in the end, the inspiring, ongoing, perfectly unfolding and expanding plot that comes together at the end to give the audience the most satisfying climax possible.
Sure, there were plot holes, nonsensical things, machoing, and really prolonged, boring scenes (I still think the 'Morpheus Explains to Neo'-scene is very boring, flat and un-visual - they're telling, not showing, when they could have added almost any kind of visual and it would've been welcome, but they didn't - I guess it adds contrast to the 'amazing visuals later on', but it's still a really boring part to wade through, and the awful 'music' at that point doesn't really help. I wouldn't blame anyone for falling asleep or losing interest at that point, or the other boring scenes)
It's not a perfect movie, it's very flawed, but I don't think even the most ardent moron with no taste who can tolerate the so-called 'sequels' (the worst movies I have ever seen, if they can even be called movies), are going to be as PUMPED and EXCITED and filled with DEEP DESIRE to do martial arts after "Matrix 4", as pretty much everyone was after watching "The Matrix (1999)", especially in the theaters.
I was so full of energy, I would've exploded, had we not popped immediately in an arcade and played some Tekken 2.
Also, what's with the weirdly 'tilted' fonts in the trailer? Disgusting, makes my stomach turn.
Then there's the whole 'Resur .. Reloa.. Re re re' - - Would these 'geniuses' PLEASE already stop with the 'RE'-stuff?
Why is everythign 'Re?' 'The Matrix : Reloaded' didn't even make any sense. The whole Matrix was not 'loaded again', so what's the point of that name?
The less 'RE', the better. "The Matrix (1999)" didn't need any subtitles, much less any 'RE'-crap, which is the MOST OVERUSED subtitle system anyway - how many movies can you find with 'Re'-something as subtitle? Well, maybe the word 'subtitle' here is wrong, but geez; there are so many movies with 'Resurrection' or something similar added to the title (I consider warped versions, like 'Insurrection' part of this stupid theme)
Why is there a BLUE-haired !@%# in the movie? Don't the makers know that's an immediate sign of stupidity (no offence to the stupid people that haven't been stupid enough to have blue hair)?
Why the old hippie song about using drugs as the theme music for the trailer? Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit is a bit too on the nose, when it comes to this whole 'white rabbit'-stuff, isn't it? I mean, they ALREADY played the 'white rabbit'-card in "The Matrix (1999)", they don't need to rub our nose in that crap anymore, they could..
... you know...
Anyway, this trailer sucks, that it says 'Lana' for someone that is a man makes me groan and is a pure sign there's only INSANITY within the makers of this cash-grab-claptrap, AND the worst of all, from the trailer, it looks like they took everything they think SOLD 'The Matrix (1999)' and shoved it in there.
They don't have a creative vision and insight to create wonders of great beauty and magnificence - it was proven by EVERYTHING these brothers (yes, I said it) did after 'The Matrix (1999' - I could analyze and try to explain why that movie was so good and EVERYTHING else is turds..
... but I don't have the energy after this kind of crap trailer.
Instead of being guided by a creative insight and vision - EVEN if they wanted to exploit 'The Matrix' and its interesting world and possibilities - and then channeled from that vision and excitement something awesome into a script and then, like true visionaires, created or helped create a storyboard that would surpass the first movie's..
.. because these are cretins and swamp monsters without any brain, creativity or originality, or anything real, so they have to tinker with all this virtue-signaling crap (BLUE-HAIRED PROTAGONIST AND "TRIGGERED" AS A WORD IN THE DIALOGUE?!), what they did is:
- take everything they thought was the reason that movie was so popular and replicate it, and then profit
- add a lot of explosions and cram as much CGI and special effects as possible
- pander to the audience
- do a lot of fanservice (ooh, it's Neo again - ooh, it's Trinity again - ooh, it's young Morpheus (or whatever) - ooh, ooh, ooh!)
Look, the 'jumping on the walls' wasn't what made the movie great, but when done in the way it was, it was pretty awesome. Now they just take that ELEMENT and add it in there and expect the same reaction. You won't get it.
Basically they're expecting everyone to be just as excited just because they copypaste a lot.
This is not creativity, this is not what made the movie great, it didn't copypaste (well, it kinda did, but not this blatantly or directly) so much, and it had the guts to explore a bit more original ideas and go against the current, REGARDLESS of if the audiences are going to like it or not.
They had a desperate UNCERTAIN situation, was it going to be made, was it going to be cancelled, no one knew, and they had to work like this for a long time.
With this movie, they know 100% certainty it's going to be made, so there's no uncertainty, which would have at least possibly lead itself to some kind of creative flow.
When uncertainty is replaced by ego, how is creativity going to fit in?
I have noticed even from my own works that the more uncertain I've been about something, how to do it, or if I can even do it, or whatnot, the better the end result has been. I have been convinced I can't do something or that it won't be done, and somehow just worked with it and ended up doing it, and the end result has surprised me and people have liked it.
But if I do something with the cocky attitude of 'look what I can do', the end result is always pure crap, invariably.
You can notice this with movies, TV shows, demos, games, music, or any artwork, it's the creative principle. Once you are egotistical and certain of yourself, your 'work' will not let in the creative spirit and flow that requires more humility, which is what uncertainty brings.
"The Matrix (1999)" HAD this creative flow and spirit, because people making it WERE humble and were in constant uncertainty for the most part. They didn't know if it was gonna be made, so they couldn't afford to be egotistical but just worked hard to try to do the best stuff they could - and they were rewarded with creative spark and good 'feel', and the movie became a hit.
This movie couldn't _BE_ more egotistical and 'look what I can do'-crap, and I predict it will fail - even if it doesn't flop in the 'box office' (if such offices exist anymore), it will be objectively pure crap, a bad movie, something I will not only hate, but will probably rank around the same 'lower than low'-level I rank the so-called 'sequels'.
BTW, why is there only ONE female-named brother working on this? I might be showing my ignorance here (I don't follow what celebrities do), so my apologies if the died or something. Just wondering about that..
I was surprised they didn't call it "The Matrix Returns" to continue the "re" theme.
The thing about the first film was that it was dark and mysterious. What is the Matrix? Who is Neo? Who are Trinity and Morpheus? Who is the Oracle? It would slowly reveal the answers to us. The sequels, however, just expanded the world that didn't need to be expanded. The dark and gritty look was gone. It was a film that was a serious of Neo asking questions and people answering them.
And the third film? What was even the point? It was just constant shooting. The only real memorable action scene was the one at the end... and it wasn't even that good.