Unfunny Boring Uninspired

Outdated lame jokes, with some Pol. incorrect bullshit and some lame stories about something.Watch this if you have trouble sleeping. will put you to sleep in like 5 minutes. Easily


Says the "moon landing was fake" genius!


LOL......good catch, . what a fucking moron,

libturd, don't insult einsteins name !


Einstein's posts are usually anti-Einstein



Relevant funny jokes about SJW/PC nonsense, and some good stories. If you're not a little snowflake sitting in the dorm with all the other angry grievance-studies majors, you'll probably like it.


seems legit, if you are unfunny yourself. get it? is a joke


Do you need a safe space?


nah dude i don't care if its politically incorrect , actually i prefer it that way, it just wasn't funny bro


liscarkat is what happens when people start judging jokes only by whether they "own the libs" or not. Some jokes were good and creative, like the Jussie Smollet one. Others were unoriginal (forget if they were offensive) like the Chinaman joke. Eddie Murphy did the same impression back in 1983, the "squinting up your face and doing a funny accent" bit is basic and I expected way better jokes from Chappelle.


"Whether they 'own the libs'"? That doesn't even mean anything. Ryker is what happens when your sphincter gets all knotted up over something as innocuous as a "Chinaman" joke. Dude, get the steel rod extracted from your grommet.


People talk about owning the libs all the time online, look it up and get some more grown-up insults.


Disagree about the "Chinaman" joke being unoriginal.

Eddie Murphy yeah did exactly what you say, very much the tired old historic race mimicking joke we've all seen (Dave Chappelle included) dozens of times in old shows, etc.

However Chappelle clearly did the joke in his discussion on transgenderism. He was questioning why we as a society would accept a male saying he felt like a woman on the inside and acting accordingly yet we wouldn't accept a man saying he felt Chinese on the inside and acting "accordingly". That "accordingly" he played out was obviously hammed up (inline with those old impressions) to play on that anger we get nowadays at seeing these impressions but that was to raise how bad "identifying" as Chinese is seen, whilst having to juxtapose that in your mind against seeing identifying as a women as being fine.

Personally, I think his joke is just at the expense of our thought processes around that. But even if you don't, or find him making the comparison at all transphobic or whatever, I don't think you can say it was just a lazy Eddie Murphy style racist caricature.


Fair enough, I see your point about the context making this a more original joke.


To be fair, I think the stories he told about his own life were not half bad. But everything was, I have to agree, kinda lame.


You sound like a lil b1@tch


no you


No me


I agree .


A few laughs, but most of the jokes don't land. He's not very funny or entertaining here. 5/10 would be my rating.
