This show has hardly ever made me upset...
... except for this one episode, where Alfie's mother was taken to debtor's prison and the Pratt sisters were robbed by their own father.
Caroline Arless maybe deserved taking the consequences for her actions, but for the sake of her children, I wish she would have been allowed to stay free. Alfie was too young to be a father rather than a big brother to his younger siblings, even though he extraordinally enough really lived up to his responsibilities.
Pearl's and Ruby's father sure would have deserved to do some time though, after he stole both from his daughters and from Miss Lane, instead of being free to just walk around the country, probably causing new trouble wherever he ended up next . It was just awful to see poor Alfie running after the carriage, which brough his mother to prison, while this dispicable man just walked around.
I also felt relly sorry for Ruby. Not only was she proved wrong about her father, but Pearl was more angry than sad and was little to no comfort to her. Not just opening the letters, which their father had written to Ruby, but then also cutting them into pieces before she had even read them, was just a cruel thing to do, even though Pearl had been proven right about him.
For a TV show, where practically every other episode ended on a happy note, and if there was a lesson to be learned, it was that good will always conquer evil, this episode seemed to teach the very opposite.
Intelligence and purity.