What a dreadful movie!

Yep! That's about it.

Better watch out! I'm not the type for boyfriends. I've been bad news all my life ...



One of the worst tv adaption to big screen yet. This film has none of the fun & campiness of the tv show. But does manage to give us boring scenery chewing performances from Depp & Michelle Pfeiffer. Changing the story and character relationships didn't help either.

Sheldon:Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


Yeah, how dare they change the story... I mean it's not like Dan did that himself when he made House of Dark Shadows, the first movie.

The only big character change was the young girl.


This was a hundred times better than either of the original two Dark Shadows movies.


One of the worst tv adaption to big screen yet. This film has none of the fun & campiness of the tv show. But does manage to give us boring scenery chewing performances from Depp & Michelle Pfeiffer. Changing the story and character relationships didn't help either.

Pfeiffer's performance wasn't very scenery chewing. She wasn't in it that much either. This was another tired Burton/Depp movie.


another tired Burton/Depp movie? LOL, do they have any?



But does manage to give us boring scenery chewing performances from Depp & Michelle Pfeiffer.

how can you say that about his performance? he was outstanding and the best thing about it!



IMHO, the best thing about this movie was the blink of an eye cameo's from Frid, Scott, Selby &Parker.




huge disappointment unbelievable cheap


One of the worst tv adaption to big screen yet. This film has none of the fun & campiness of the tv show. But does manage to give us boring scenery chewing performances from Depp & Michelle Pfeiffer. Changing the story and character relationships didn't help either.

It's recognized as being an alternate reality. It was referenced in a Big Finish audio drama.


It's recognized as being an alternate reality. It was referenced in a Big Finish audio drama.



What a dreadful post!


I watched the show when it was originally broadcast and I was in high school. I had a couple of laughs and enjoyed the Seventies songs. But the writers could have done a lot of better things. I remember when the show was broadcast live and seeing a piece of fluff fly into the Reverend's mouth in mid-rant and Barnabus having trouble getting one of his fangs to descend. And the cursed Collinwood fly!

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


hey stop trashing this movie! Don't you know there's plenty of people in America with no taste? They have as much right to enjoy crap like this as anyone else does who likes good films!

Yes, I do sound and act like a petulant child. And I own a gun.


I just came here because 1. I hate the look of this movie from the cringe-worthy promos I saw and 2. I had EPONYMOUS news to give you all.

but I gotta say this movie looks terrible, I expected better from Tim Burton. Sure he makes weird sh't that it kinda pretentious, but he's a free spirit innhe? For him to make a run-of-the-mill piece of shchlock, putting a dent in Jonny Depps (until now) impeccable career (yeah that's right, his chanachactafactory role was good, I liked it, go fudge yourself, pun intended) is unforgivable.

random typical 'disappear in a crowd' common as bread crumbs teenage girl: "Are you stoned?""

Jonny Depp in make up (jee, that narrows it down): "They tried stoning me, it did not work."



pretentious? lol
I don't think that word means what you think it means.


well pardon me bold young human, I was just saying I find some his work a pretentious. Look at how gimmicky some of it is.



Helen Bohamma Carter is in this? she may be absolutely unbelievabley beautiful, but she must have some kind of deal with Tim Burton that she has to be in every one of his movies.

a pity she had to lower herself to this drivvle



dang, that Burton is one lucky son'bitch.


Completely Agree !!

But what's up with Johnny Depp or old "serious like drama" being comedies now ?

Anyone know ? Because if 21 Jump Street was a serious show, it was a highly rated comedy remake ? I thought it was pretty stupid. I had the same feeling about this and I haven't gotten passed the first 20-30 mins. 6.2 rating well let me help change that.


Completely Agree !!

But what's up with Johnny Depp or old "serious like drama" being comedies now ?

Anyone know ? Because if 21 Jump Street was a serious show, it was a highly rated comedy remake ? I thought it was pretty stupid. I had the same feeling about this and I haven't gotten passed the first 20-30 mins. 6.2 rating well let me help change that.

