The Handcuffs

I'm not even going to argue about whether Ellen should have cut the cuff chain or the hand. His death was warranted.

If I had a problem with the handcuff dangle scene is that he looks like he weighs 220 to 250 pounds. I'll modestly say 220. Sarah might weigh 120 pounds tops. She would've gone down like home values in 2008. They couldn't have grabbed her soon enough.

If I were to grant Sarah the ability to hold up the sheriff her wrist couldn't and I don't care what she weighed. People have cuff bruises when they're put on too tight, imagine if 220 or more pounds were pulling on those cuffs.


What an insane idea to handcuff yourself to someone in that environment, what the hellllll was he thinking? It really was a ridiculous move....and idiotic writing. They could have still had a cliff dangle scene by having him slip and maybe getting tangled on her belt/ropes etc. He could have even caught his wrist somehow, so they could still do the 'hack a wrist' scene! You're right that his weight pulling on her handcuff wouldn't have ended well!


Yeah, he ensured his own death by handcuffing himself to the woman. Extremely idiotic.


Also, why insist on detaining her? By that time, it was pretty obvious she was not to blame.


He was so stupid to not go first lol. He was a dead man the second he cuffed her but that's on him.

Not to mention she wouldn't have been able to stay up at all but if it's not based on a true story then logic and other basically go out the window. N
