The ending (major spoilers!)
I saw this film today as part of the Times free screenings. I really enjoyed most of the film but I thought the ending was a complete cop-out.
Firstly, the idea that someone would kill their own son is very interesting and not something often dealt with in cinema. The film would have been more interesting to me if she had killed him in a violent rage or something and the family had to decide whether they could trust her and whether she could trust herself.
Secondly, it was rather unbelievable. Why would nobody else notice that the child was sick? And she's very conveniently a doctor and did the tests without telling anyone. Plus the reasoning for not telling people was a bit weak I thought. But surely there was an autopsy!? It was a murder case...
Thirdly, it was predictable. When it was revealed why she had been in prison for so long I thought "Ooh, this is interesting, unless it turns out it was for euthenasia."
Fourthly, it's an easy way out to make the viewers like the character. It felt too neat and I preferred thinking about whether it was possible to like a character who would do such a thing rather than feeling sorry for her which you get from a lot of films.
So basically, I did like the film, I just wish it had had the guts to finish in a more interesting way. It's like if "The Woodsman" with Kevin Bacon had finished with it turning out that he hadn't been a peadophile. It betrayed the whole point of the film for me and rather undermined the rest of the feelings I'd had watching the film.
Anyone agree/disagree?
If it weren't for my horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college.