MovieChat Forums > Halloween Kills (2021) Discussion > The inevitable 2028 reboot will claim th...

The inevitable 2028 reboot will claim this current trilogy "never happened"

Halloween III: Season of the Witch: DE-CANONIZED by Halloween 4 in 1988.

Halloween 4-6: DE-CANONIZED by Halloween H20 in 1998.

Halloween H20-Resurrection: DE-CANONIZED by Rob Zombie remake in 2008.

Rob Zombie's Halloween & Halloween II: DE-CANONIZED by Halloween 2018.

Notice a pattern there every 10 years?

So mark my words, WHATEVER happens in these movies won't matter by 2028. They'll retcon EVERY event, ANYTHING Jamie Lee Curtis did in them (remember she's back after they killed off her character in 2002, which they now claim 'never happened'), and they'll even claim that was John Carpenter's plans all along and he only did these movies for $$$ and the 2018-2023 films don't reflect his "vision" for the franchise, thus necessitating yet another reboot that will "take the franchise back to its roots" (as they claimed in 2018 when they removed 1981's Halloween 2 from canon even though it was written & produced by Carpenter himself!)


We should just give up on a sensible Halloween timeline the same way we all gave up on geographic continuity in Friday The 13th movies...most of them are fun movies but different writers, directors an location scouts eventually confuse the story line

Sit back and applaud the slaughteršŸ‘


That is a trend in horror franchises, and this one especially. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes that way. Then JLC will trash talk this trilogy. And she'll be in a nursing home, but Michael still in good enough Shape to kill, and it'll have been a 60 year gap.


Someone even did a fake trailer of what the inevitable 60th anniversary film/reboot will look like:
