MovieChat Forums > Boyhood (2014) Discussion > So what happened to Mindy and Randy?

So what happened to Mindy and Randy?

I understand that Olivia had no choice, but it really sucks she just left them behind. They seemed like great kids and I was really hoping that we'd at least see them get reunited.


I was hoping they would circle back to that somehow but sometimes in life you meet someone and don't find out what become of their life.


exactly. my mother was in a relationship with a man with children when i was a child. after a few years of living together, they split up, and the kids - who had essentially been my siblings - were gone. i've never seen them since. i have, out of curiosity, stalked them on facebook.. but it's been 25 years and we were kids. i'd feel weird contacting them at this point.

i think this aspect of the movie is also meant to showcase the lack of control Mason has over his life at that point.

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


"i have, out of curiosity, stalked them on facebook.. but it's been 25 years and we were kids."

Would you like to contact them? Maybe they have been wondering too and would like to contact you?

" i'd feel weird contacting them at this point. "

Ah, avoiding embarrassment. John Guare, in his forward to The House of Blue Leaves, says that all human tragedy, from the Oresteia on down, can be linked to avoiding embarrassment.

I think you should do it. In all likelihood, they've been wondering too. You could always use seeing "Boyhood" as yuor prompt.


you've just made me cry, my friend :) i'm about to write to them now.. thanks for the nudge in the right direction.

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


Sure, post back if you get a response. I'd be interested to know how it turned out.


again, thanks for the nudge.. guess who is going for coffee tomorrow?!

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


Seriously, that fast? I'd like to know how it goes.


she replied within an hour of my message and asked to get together  it will be strange to see her, but i'm really excited! i'll definitely let you know how it goes.. i would never have had the nerve to contact her without your prompting :)

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


she replied within an hour of my message and asked to get together it will be strange to see her, but i'm really excited! i'll definitely let you know how it goes.. i would never have had the nerve to contact her without your prompting :)

This made me happier than anything else I've seen in 10+ years on IMDb.


I hope we get to hear back and find out how it went.


aww! i'm glad!! it went remarkably well - it was definitely a bit awkward for a few minutes considering we don't know each other anymore so it was like 2 strangers sitting at a table hahaha but that went away pretty quickly because we had a lot to talk about and catch up on, and it was really nice to see what kind of an adult she's turned into. we've friended each other on facebook now so i no longer have to creep her profile ;) and she said she'd tried to find me on there but i am under my married name so she couldn't find me. her sisters, who were much younger than we were, no longer live in the same city as we do, so hopefully when they come home at Christmas i'll be able to see them, too. anyway, it was a good experience - we may not be able to re-establish the relationship we had when our parents were together, but i'm really glad we re-connected :)

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!



Thanks, Erin-Leigh.

I feel inspired to go out and do a little reconnecting myself. 


That is so great. I know it takes nerve to reach out to folks who want you, but you can't tell.

"If someone don't start it first, we won't get what we wish we had...."

Here is a song for you.....


such a simple tune - such a deep meaning. thank you for giving me the courage to reach out xox

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


This entire thread made me happy.


This entire thread made me happy.




well this side thread has been a better story than "Boyhood"! ;-)




What a beatiful story! I hope everything goes Ok with you guys


thank you! we have become very good friends :)


UPDATE please!


we've become very good friends! i'm so happy i took the jump and messaged her :D


Dont listen to Shelemm. He/she doesnt know what they are talking about. It is going to be weird and complicated. Just leave those people alone.

"Oh, Mama, can this really be the end, to be stuck inside of mobile
with the memphis blues again"


it was weird for the first few minutes of our first get-together.. and then it became fantastic. we are both happy i reached out to her. as i said in another post, she had been looking for me, too. thanks for your advice, but it's all good! :)


That stepfather you mentioned - was he abusive or tyrannical?




This is extremely accurate. Every once in a while I think about childhood friends that were lost after I moved.


She probably had to leave them behind (legally, that is). Besides reporting the abuse to CPS her options were limited -- she almost certainly obtained a restraining order against Bill, and that would have meant he could not contact her or the kids, but also vice versa -- she could not contact him or his kids.

This thread from last month covers many important points (including that this exact thing apparently happened to Linklater as a boy when his mother changed partners and he lost track of his step-siblings):


Thanks for the link.

I do realize she had to leave them behind and had no choice in the matter because she wasn't their legal guardian, and that having no closure on them is more "realistic" because that's how it sometimes is in the real world. I do get all of that, but I guess it's just selfishness on my part for wanting a bit of closure on the step-kids mainly because I became emotionally invested in them.

I mean, after Bill broke all those dishes and the kids were hanging out in their room, Sam and Mindy had each other, Mason was watching a comedy skit on the laptop...but Randy was lying on the ground, staring at the ceiling. I felt bad for all of the kids, but mainly Randy because he had no one. It seemed like Mindy got the better end of the bargain because her dad wasn't AS big an *beep* to her ("I trust you.") as he was with Randy ("Are you feeling left out?!"). Mason at least had his mom to run to; Randy had no one except his sister.

Then when Olivia finally left Bill and took Sam and Mason away, the shot of Mindy and Randy on the staircase, utterly helpless, as they watched the only decent people they had in their lives at that moment leave so abruptly...just really broke my heart.


What happened to them is one of the reasons I hated this movie. It jumped too fast from year to year so you never felt truly attached.

I did feel awful for them when they were left though.


I do wish it would have showed what happened to Mindy and Randy but it is true that life goes on and people move on.


That whole "I trust you" statement I interpreted to be a darker side and was chilling. As in Professor Bill was either already grooming her or beyond that and they could "share secrets". I may be way off base. But that guy was seriously messed up.


Wish it was the one question that was answered. Professor jerk seemed to favor Mindy but poor Randy, thought of them the whole film.


I think that part was explained quite clearly in the film by the Aquette character. She was not their mother so she cant take them with her. She cant just take someone elses kids because "she" claims he's a jerk and alchoholic. A court would have to get involved and all that. She did what she could -- she called their mother which is all she could do.

"Oh, Mama, can this really be the end, to be stuck inside of mobile
with the memphis blues again"


About the kids not reuniting: a child's and teenager's brain and outlook on life is quite different from an adult's. The time goes a lot slower as a kid, but also adapts much faster and friends that are out of their lives for more than a few months tend to be forgotten about completely and they go on with their lives. I mean, how many adults today have consistently had people in their lives since they were children?


not sure about randy but, mindy is at the house party the kids are at toward the end.


Going by the size of her, I think Patricia Arquette ate them.


Or maybe their father beat them to death and he ended up in jail and died of delirium tremens over the next week while awaiting trial.


Tf? Patricia isn't fat or even chubby. You must be one lonely dude.

I met Cinderella once... She's actually kind of a bitch.


She called their mom (a bit uncommon the dad has custody) and reported him to child services.

I agree, an update would have been great.


thank you, glad someone else has said this. I thought it was strange that they were living with their dad - unless we're only shown them on weekends or during the times when the dad has custody.
Maybe the professor mentioned being divorced when they met, I can't remember, but I don't recall their mother being mentioned until this point.
