MovieChat Forums > Boyhood (2014) Discussion > Disastrous casting of Lorelei Linklater

Disastrous casting of Lorelei Linklater

I didn't believe for one moment that she could be Mason's sister. She looked of Hispanic descent, and both her parents in the film had blue eyes. Could they have even biologically produced her?

As an actress, I found her to be quite dull.

By the way, why don't the Texas kids have a twang or southern accent? They all sound like northerners to me.


Nepotism is one of numerous Hollywood vices that are generally given a free pass. She was all right, but here's betting many others would have been better.

My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.


I didn't realize until I read your post that that was Linkletter's daughter, but you're absolutely correct. She didn't look like she could be Mason sister is all


I grew up in Houston and I don't have a Texas Accent. Most of my friends don't either. It's much more prevalent in the rural areas.


There was nothing wrong with her performance at all.

The night beckons, like a finger curling and uncurling as if to say "Hey, come here."


I don't care about her appearance. I can suspend my disbelief unless the SCRIPT gives me reason to doubt (and not what I know about her background, outside of the film).

She was good as a kid, less interesting as she grew up - but then, the same could be said of the boy, also.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I agree with you. This was one of the main things that annoyed me about this movie. Theres no way a Mexican can be two white people's child. Not believable and really bad casting in my opinion.


Theres no way a Mexican can be two white people's child. Not believable and really bad casting in my opinion.

Lorelei Linklater is not a "Mexican." She was born in Mexico while her parents (both white Texans) were working there. She does cultivate an "exotic" look. Linklater is of Scottish-English ancestry and his partner of mixed Irish and European antecedents, looks to me like she might have some Greek or Italian in her background.

Lorelei's younger twin sisters appear in the later scene in the movie where there's a graduation party for Mason. They are represented as Mason's cousins. They look strikingly like Lorelei, though both have lighter brown hair.
