I actually went into watching this movie with a very open mind. Looking forward to it despite what other people said about it.
I came out very disappointed. Although it's nice to see how Anne became Anne, but there was so many stories going on in the movie it was hard to keep track .
I was confused by a few things but will admit to leaving the room from time to time (I guess this is an indication of my level of engagement). What happened to the Shirley Maclaine character, Amelia Thomas? That wasn't at all clear to me. And why did that old housekeeper end up with Violetta?
I would have preferred to see more developement of the Amelia Thomas / Anne Shirley dynamics. They were the only interesting characters to me.
I hated it. Anne of Green Gables is my favourite series of novels EVER. I loved the first two movies, and I even liked the third one, although it did stray completely from the books. This movie, though, is a travesty to Montgomery and her novels. Half the time I just kept thinking that parts were blatantly stolen from the original (i.e. Anne and the boat, the raft in the movie, the apology to Mrs. Thomas, the apology Anne gave to Mrs. Lynde etc.). Some of it might have been nitpicking, but I actually felt like this movie destroyed the character of Anne. It almost felt like a Western, with that Nelly chick picking up Anne just in the nick of time, and the impossible destruction and explosion at the mill. WAY too overdramatic. And both actresses that played Anne just did not suit the role at all except for their red hair. I will stick to the first three movies and pretend this was never made.
I agree it was very disappointing. I was looking forward to more Anne time. There was really only 1 or 2 mentions of Gil. And that's what the whole basis of the first 3 movies were based on. Their connection. It wasn't our beloved Anne at all.
I agree, the first two movies are my favorites of all time. And I'm not much of a reader even when I'm forced to but I read all the Anne books and Rilla of Ingleside was my favorite)
I have plenty of disapproval of the third one, but I'll watch it now and again just to see Anne and Gilbert finally together. It still bugs me though, the circumstances surrounding their wedding. Had they made the third one while Colleen Dewhurst was still alive, they could have been more faithful to the books. Unfortunately, Megan Follows and Kevin Sullivan were at odds for a while. I read they had a professional falling out and that Megan needed to get away Anne and that's why she never appeared in Road to Avonlea. Also, in the book, Anne and Gilbert were HAPPY on their wedding day, AND they got married in the garden at Green Gables. And NO ONE was going off to the war afterward! I have sucessfully repressed much of the fourth movie and prefer to forget it was ever made. Canada's beloved red-headed orphan not an orphan after all? Are you freaking KIDDING ME?!!!! Fortunately for L.M. Montgomery, she was sick of Anne long before she wrote the last one anyway. If she hadn't been, this last movie certainly would have had her turning over in her grave! Gilbert went *back* to the front for WWII? Did he not experience enough bad stuff in WWI ?! And now he's dead, that sucks big time. Oh well...Anne being played by someone other than Megan is bad enough. I shudder at the thought of seeing Gilbert being played by someone other than J. Crombie or, possibly even worse, seeing him kiss someone else playing Anne!
And now there's a half-brother.... why didn't they just make it turn out to be Gilbert while they were all over the bastardizing of the story? I mean the story was bolloxed plenty anyway!
I met Megan Follows in January and in the haze of the moments I forgot to ask her why she wasn't in the last Anne movie, hoping the reason was that she didn't like where the story went. I would have said 'Kevin's got some s'plainin' to do!' My dad asked her if she was tired of being recognized for that part and her answer was, I believe, polite and diplomatic: 'You know, it was a good role' ... and I took it to mean 'Yes I'm sick of it but what can I do!' I introduced her to my mom saying 'This is Marilla!' and also forgot to mention the ironic fact that when we were leaving the house to go see her in the play 'This', mom looked down at a box of bags of brown sugar my dad had brought home and lamented: 'What are we going to do with all that brown sugar?!' Hahahahahah!! That day of all days! Sadly there was no dress with puffed sleeves to accompany it!
That's cool you met Megan years ago, I met the late Jonathan C., in 2008 in Chicago after a play. Boy was that a thrill. I think like Judy Garland will always be Dorothy in cinephile's eyes, the same can be said about Megan as Anne.
I laughed out loud several times. The film was so far fetched, it was pathetic. I'm curiousy though, did anyone read the novel Before Green Gables? I tried reading it but I couldn't get into the style in which it was written. I thought this movie was based on that novel so i skipped the book with the intent of watching the film version. I'm thinking the book made more sense though.
Very disapointing that Anne's father was indeed alive. And the fact that Marilla had letters and never told her about them makes Marilla seem selfish and not the protector as intended. And don't get me started on Gilbert, dying during the second world war??? I don't think so. Not only does that destroy our idea that they lived a happy long life together, but the time frame doesn't even make sense. GIlbert and Anne's children went top world war I. I could ignore the time difference in the last film because the movie itself wasn't so bad, but this one is just plain sad.
Yes not only did it bother me that Anne's father turned out to be alive but that they tarnished the character of Marilla by the hidden letters being revealed.
bollocks, Kevin! You completely messed with what used to be the greatest achievement in Canadian film! You were on thin ice already with The Continuing Story, but you shattered it completely with this last one! There are plenty of LMMontgomery movies that have not been made into films, why couldn't you have messed up one of those instead and left Anne alone for the sake of the true fans?!
I like so many others am a huge fan of the original movies and when I saw the commercials for this installment I was weary. I hate it when they remake or add sequels or prequels to cherished childhood movies that don't live up to the original, and in some cases actually take away from them. I think perhaps the worst part of this story was what happened to Gilbert. It kind of ruined my image of what happened to he and Anne. However, I did really like that we got to see Anne before she came to Green Gables. I thought it was an interesting take and basically enjoyed it. I do agree that there were too many stories going on and that perhaps that took away from the main plot a bit. While this version definitely doesn't match the original films, it was decent (in my opinion) and I would recommend seeing it.
I didn't like it. It had too many sub-plots and was very confusing at times. I have never read the AoGG books and have only seen bits and pieces of the movies, and I was very disappointed. The whole time I was thinking "Am I missing something?"
It was freaking terrible. Barbara Hershey ruined the movie. The script ruined the movie. Most of the casting ruined the movie. This movie just should not have been made.
Awful. Completely awful. I actually fell asleep during the movie. Barbara Hershey was terrible and the plot was ridiculous. The only thing I can compare it to was the "sequel" to Gone With The Wind which was a travesty!
I agree! "Old Anne" had not one ounce of spirit AT ALL. From the begining she was never Anne. I thought Hannah ED did a fabulous job as young anne. BUT Yeah right! She had a good time with the Thomas's for the most part - and that doesnt make much sense when we remember how hard her times before GG were. The thomas's place wasnt very hard to live at at all. And I agree - so many "remakes" of the original Anne: the boat scene and so many more. It was horrible. Boring. And had no Anne spirit. We didnt even barely see Diana! Uggh. Whoever wrote that script hadnt much knowledge. And they should have used Meagan Follows, and just aged her with make up. That would have been some relief. BOO. Im just so disapointed.
too me there is only one anne, megan follows, she did it great. i'm finding it hard to grasp jayne eastwood who did mrs hammond years ago did her again when she's so much older. too bad patricia hamilton didn't have a bigger part.
I also hated this movie. Since I've been reading about and watching Anne since I was a little girl, I'm quite attached to her character. The characters I grew to love were the ones created by L.M.M. In the first two films that Kevin Sullivan made, I thought he did a good job of bringing these characters to life. But this film was awful. I want to know what's wrong with the books the L.L.M. wrote about the later life of Anne and Gilbert. I think the first two films were so successful because almost all aspects of them followed the books, although they changed the timing some and left out Anne going to college.
I think we grew to love Anne and the rest of Avonlea because we could relate to their lives. Their ups and downs were not catastrophic, earth-shattering events, but rather the type of things we all go through. Her books were character based, not event based. With this new movie, Sullivan is trying to add to much drama to a story that doesn't need it. The characters L.M.M. created are so well written, that they don't need a bunch of drama to make us interested in them. I was most interested in Anne when she's losing broaches, spraining her ankle, trying to get better grades than Gil, or accidently painting town halls blue.
I wish Sullivan would have made some more Anne movies based on the actual books, with Anne and Gilbert moving to another part of P.E.I. to start their family. I would love to see Anne running a household with her kids doing the same kind of things that she used to do and the relationship between her and Gilbert growing deeper as they grow together.