MovieChat Forums > Invictus (2009) Discussion > Reasons why I gave this a 5

Reasons why I gave this a 5

On the negative side:

1. Too long overall.

2. The whole "security" sub-plot was POINTLESS. What a monster waste of time.

3. The plane sequence was pure dribble. Sure, like the security team aren't going to know a gigantic jet is going to fly over at low altitude.

4. Plenty more Hollywood "impossible to be true" sap.

5. A poster where Damon looks like a plastic doll. Barbie anyone?

On the positive side:

1. Good acting by Freeman.

2. Pretty good acting by Damon.

3. Nice storyline with the prison visit.

4. Nice storyline with the community visits.

Mr Eastwood, everyone might kiss your ar*e and you've got a lovely cabinet full of trophies but retire. PLEASE!




I thought the movie was okay. I agree that it was much too long. I also do not like drawn out slow motion sequences, which were used too much at the end of the rugby maych.


Agreed, they can be cheesy and a bit of a cliche.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


I expected this movie to blow me away, it didn't though. I thought it was a pretty good movie, above average certainly. Morgan Freeman was really great. I agree that the film was a little too long and the plane thing was kind of unnecessary.

I have to admit I do not know much about Nelson Mandela. Freeman's portrayal of him really got me intrigued, but half way through the movie I found myself wishing they had focused on a different aspect of Mandela's life and what he achieved than this whole rugby thing!


gave this a 6.

but.. "no!" to clint eastwoods retirement.
he just need to do more movies like "gran torino" less cheesy ... more MORALE!



I disagree with your points 1 & 2. I found the time passed smoothly for me and I think the security subplot was important for several reasons.

First of all it gave main characters a chance to express the bitterness of the blacks towards the whites. It wouldn't have had as much impact had it just been a few one-scene blacks scowling at a couple of nameless white extras, or if it had just been the wide shots of the black people booing the springbocks.

Secondly, it illuminates how extraordinary a man Mandela is. He was not simply a figurehead of a unifying government. He was unique in his remarkable compassion. Most of his staff wanted nothing to do with the whites. His security staff were livid when they discovered they would have to work side-by-side with them. It served as a quick, clear explanation to the audience that Mandela's quest was not simply to conquer the racism of his white opressors, but to eliminate all racism in South Africa completely and establish a nation of peace and harmony.

It set the scene before the introduction of football into the plot to show what the atmosphere of his country was like and the enormity of his challenge, thereby allowing football to be introduced as a possible solution. Without sufficient context, this movie could easilly have come across as one that was simply about an unpopular football team - not a nation in turmoil.

Thirdly, it later aloud Eastwood to show how Mandela's plan was working, while it was still in action, through that brief scene where the white and black bodyguards (who had previously hated each other) were playing a friendly game of football in his yard together.

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


I agree with point 1 and part of point 3 (real fact but security knew about it) of negative sides, and agree with all the positive sides.
I didn't know anything about rugby (I live in a soccer-dumbass fanboys country), and had no idea about this events on South Africa. I admire and respect Nelson Mandela so much, so it was very interesting to see this film.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


Yeah I agree I also gave it a 5.
My thoughts on the film:

The first half hour was literally just introducing the body guards and was boring as hell. Then it is just Morgan Freeman giving speeches for about an hour with a poor attempt at an African accent. Then the actual Rugby which uses a cheesie slo mo and stereo typical African chanting. Also the fact they won the cup was very predictable. To be fair Damon pulled off the accent very well.

Best bit was the credits where they showed the actual photos of the game!

5/10 and thats generous!


Also the fact they won the cup was very predictable.

Lol, did you even know that this film was a biography, meaning it happened in real life? xd
