Autobot Twins racist i dont see it!
Ok I the movies and I actually liked the Twins what i dont get is all this talk about them being racist. Will someone explain to me how are racist?
shareOk I the movies and I actually liked the Twins what i dont get is all this talk about them being racist. Will someone explain to me how are racist?
That's the most retarded thing I ever heard. So if there was an animated chararacter with a spanish accent and said "Papi" alot it's racist? The Character Jazz had the same style but barely said two words in the film was like the Twins except not funny or goofy. People so eager to pull out the race card for whatever little thing.
share"That's the most retarded thing I ever heard. So if there was an animated chararacter with a spanish accent and said "Papi" alot it's racist? The Character Jazz had the same style but barely said two words in the film was like the Twins except not funny or goofy. People so eager to pull out the race card for whatever little thing."
Part of it is those trolls that love to say every thing is racist-despite not understanding what that means. Part of it is newsgroups who want to kick up dirt so they can get ratings and hits. Part of it people who don't know anything who jump blindly whenever they hear or read something on the news. Most of it comes from trolls who just want to bash the movie but don't have anything to go on. Well, they have their feelings and preferences but they don't know how to articulate those so they resort to things like "Bay's a hack" and the like. They're upset that Transformers didn't appear on screen as it did in their minds when they were little when watching G1 on television. What they don't understand is watching a cartoon in the 80's as a kid brings a lot of nostalgia to adult hood and they can never take off their blinders.
I took off my blinders and know exactly what G1 is. So it doesn't bother me when I go in to the theater and see the humans as the main characters. Well, I have some understanding on how film works. The budget doesn't exist to make the Transformers the main characters not unless it was a completely CG film.
P.S. I never had a problem telling the Transformers apart on screen. It's just that people like to complain. It's the same complaints every single time the movie is released-you'd think they'd quit going to see it. Well, for the sequel everyone swore up and down their nephews dragged them-so I guess it's not their fault. Lol. Just plain better than Rotten Tomatoes.
in the first movie one of the autobots used slang when introduced to Sam. he said, "this looks like a good place to kick it."
Noone said that was racist. I thought the twins were excellent comic relief for the movie and mirrored Sam's roommate and and the agent pretty well (sorry cant think of names right now).
Please explain how two gold tooth having, gold chain wearing, ebonic speaking, rap music jamming, KFC loving robots who cant swim and have trouble reading ISN'T racist. I'm sure if there were a basketball thrown into the mix, they'd start spinning it on their fingers and shout "BALLIN!" or "BALL IS LIFE DAWG!"
shareWhile we can all agree that Skidz and Mudflap weren't funny, added nothing to the story and should've been (along with many of the film's problems) cut from the final take (which would've likely happened if given more time), they were hardly racist.
What a lot of you people don't seem to realize is that people like this do exist in real life regardless of their ethnicity, whether they're African-American, Asian or even Caucasian. So if anything, to look at this stereotype and associate everything negative about it (crooked teeth, gold teeth, bad speaking ability and use of street slang, poor literary skills etc.) with Black people is being racist more than anything else.
The Advocator I agree with you 100% I grew up watching G1 as a Kid. When I foound out Bay was directing Transformer I was stoked. I never expected Oscar story telling from it I just wanted awesome fun that I love to see. You are also right that people really are well lack of a better word Haters. And there is always some and in Bay's case for Transformer franchise people that just like to bash.
Jeffsh the name was Jazz and i totally forgot about him. He died in the first movie and only had that one line you mention and yes you are right no one said a word about him.
I'm glad I'm not alone in this whole racist robot crap. Thanks guys.
I can't believe this has to be explained but here we go:
What's racist is not the fact that the twins use slang, but it's what they are representing. They are shown to be not very bright and dumb. One of them has what looks like gold teeth, and not straight teeth, but big crooked teeth. They look like what Flavor Flav may look like if he was a robot. They are meant to be laughed at. So the racism comes in when we need characters to laugh at Hollywood models them after african americans who speak funny(slang) and act dumb. Just look at Jar Jar Binks who represents an alien Jamaican person. This does not make the characters themselves racist, but the thoughts and ideas that go into creating them are racist.
I want to get chocolate wasted!
This guy above me has got to be kidding, I mean seriously do you think Michael Bay the guy who helped make Will Smiths career and revived Martin Laurence's is a racist. It's just urban styling in those characters for humor.I mean every time they show a dumb hill billy in a cartoon or movie do you yell that is racism, no you don't because you just want to complain. it's people like you who cause racism to be perpetuated by pointing every silly little thing as being racist.
I am sure Bay was sitting in his Klan outfit reading mein kampf and thought you know what would teach those black people I hate so much, if I made two characters that had urban style accents, and just to really teach them black people I am gonna put Tyrese in my movie and pay him a crap ton of money.
Also I mean in you signature you have a line from Grown ups, Happy Madison makes fun of races all the time in their films, so you are not just a whiner you are a hypocrite.....
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
Oh brother. The OP asked why people are complaining about racism and i gave the reasons why. This is not whining. Now I hope you understand that there are different types and levels of racism in this world. There is subtle racism and straight outright in your face racism. But it's all racism. Now im not saying Michael Bay is racist, but the stereotypes that the Twin characters are playing on can be seen as racist, and understandably so. Btw Hollywood is business, and in business, if someone can make you money, the only color that matters is green.
For example:
Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, is a known racist. He looks down on people of color and on many occasions has made many racist remarks and comments. Is that going to stop him from employing black basketball players? No. Do black basketball players sign with the Clippers? Yes. Why? Because its business.
Im a person of color, and i love Michael Bay movies. I dont watch movies to point out racism, but if someone is offended by what they deem racist, then maybe there's a reason for that. It's people like you, quick to dismiss someone else's point of view and opinion that is the problem, not me. Feel free to reply, does not matter. I'll read it and get a chuckle out of it. That' why i come on the message boards anyway, just to see what the dumb people will write next:)
I want to get chocolate wasted!
I know the OP personally and he is not white himself, he just happens to not be overly sensitive about race. I'm not saying you are wrong to have your feelings, but I will say if that offends you then you are too sensitive and should relax. My family is from backwoods Alabama originally and I don't get offended at hillbilly jokes or jokes and rednecks in movies, it's just for fun. I think it's funny that you think the bot having a gold tooth means he is African American because I am pretty sure all races have gold teeth, as the matter of fact I have a white friend who sells gold teeth for a side job. To me it seems like you are contradicting yourself. Also quit trying to sound like you are on some higher level intellectually than others, you will have a good chuckle when you read what I reply, thats so pompous sounding. I'm not gonna sit here and list my background but rest assured, I am not some slack jawed knuckle dragger who doesnt pick up on your snide jabs.
I will admit I am biased beacause I firmly believe that by letting things like this cause an uproar is what is allowing racism to continue. I'm sure you know who Lenny Bruce is, I firmly believe in his views on Racism. I am not gonna call you dumb like you did me,because you obviously are not, you have a valid argument in some ways, but I will stick by my guns that you should be less sensitive. By the way do you seriously think Jar Jar is offensive to Jaimaicans because you are very wrong, he is offensive to all living beings.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
"By the way do you seriously think Jar Jar is offensive to Jaimaicans because you are very wrong, he is offensive to all living beings."
Homie I was not complaining about racism if anything I should now be complaining about your lack of comprehension skills. I was simply asking why the twins was considered racist. I got your opinion and others as well. Just so happen that I don't agree with yours.If I was a person to "dismiss" someone else's point of views and opinion then why did I bother posting this? So go ahead read our reply's and have a "chuckle" cause looks like most are getting a laugh out of you especially when you speak about Star Wars.... By the way who uses the word Chuckle any more?
Very honest answer. What's your personal take on the twins?
share PforPropaganda27, interesting point....*rolls eyes*
#1. Will Smith could have been in two other million dollar movies that weren't the Bad Boys films and still been a top of the charts comedic/action actor, because he's effin' will smith.
#2. Martin Lawrence's career was in no way revived by either Bad Boys movie lol Lawrence continuously ended his own career by simply not being all that talented and maybe his agent sucked.
#3. The twins slag and beepop or whatever the F their names are, are not offensive because they are racist. They're offensive because their stupid *beep* ing characters in an expensive *beep* ing movie that should have been a LITTLE more thought out, and far less desperate for laughter.
#4. I remember hating the sequel even without those two characters but they managed to put the poop-dipped cherry on the ass mud sundae. Pardon my french. Now stop arguing over Michael Bay films and go watch something of a higher caliber; Sunshine, 12 Monkeys, The Watchmen, 28 Days Later, No Country for Old Men, or some classic masterpiece from BEFORE the time of 'MBay'
Bunch 'o' nerdy cumquats.
THANK YOU. I'm tired of stereotyping automatically being equated with racism.
shareRacism - "rac·ism (rszm) - The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."
Comedy has nothing to do with racism.
When an animated crab has a Jamacian accent they lose their $h!t.
No offense to african-americans, but why are you so sensitive?
Ramon Rodriguez plays a awkward, nerdy, clumsy, and whiny hispanic.
You don't hear the hispanic's complaining, because they have a sense of humor.
Several white actors such as: Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott, Dax Shepard, Ethan Suplee etc... tend to play idiots, but I'm a white guy who like several other white people find them hilareous.
The only remark that I can think of from ROTF that seemed racist at all was when one of the twins said "no we don't read much" but what are a couple of Transformers going to be reading anyway? Twilight?
My point is that you need to be able to see the difference between someone being racist and someone making a racist joke, joke's are meant to be overexaggerated and not to be taken seriously.
I agree completely with the fact that I think everyone should be able to laugh at themselves. I love Eddie Murphy (well 80's Eddie Murphy) and the funniest thing he does to me is when he uses his "white guy" voice, it's purposely corny and geeky sounding and I love it. I know it's kinda true too, there are a lot of corny sounding up tight white people. I don't get all offended and act like Eddie Murphy is a racist, I just think he is a comedian and doing it to get laughs, and honestly even if he absolutely loathed white people I would still think it's hilarious.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
"No offense to african-americans, but why are you so sensitive?"
If you don't know, than it is useless trying to explain it to you. You will never understand.
they talk in ebonics.
they have crooked, gold teeth.
they are illterate.
they have big robot ears and big robot lips, both of which robots do not need.
they act worse than jar-jar banks.
they are negetive black steryotypes.
They are robots how are they a negative black steryotypes? Robots dont need red, blue flames paint job yet Optimus has it. And give me a break no one acts worse than Jar jar binks real or computer genarated! Gumby would have been a better Jar Jar, Bill Paxton would would have got a damn Oscar playing Jar Jar!
shareWait so you are saying they are racist but you say crooked teeth, gold teeth, bad speaking capabilities, and big ears are what make them remind you of African Americans...... do you not realize how much of a hypocrite you just made yourself look like. I didn't realize crooked teeth was a black stereotype I have not heard that one.....
No one has yet mentioned the argument that if these are racist then is it racist to have a hillbilly in a movie.....I'm gonna go on a crusade to Ban the Simpson's because of Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel.......I tell you what I will admit they are racist if you admit George Lopez, Eddie Murphy, Daniel Tosh and any other comedian who makes fun of different cultures (including Caucasians) is a huge racist as well......... I am so insanely tired of people whining about racism where there isn't any, that furthers racism, if we all just laughed at silly things that where not a big deal instead of being whiners then there would be a whole lot less hatred in the world. The worst part is it's always overly sensitive white people who complain about racism. I mean look at Friday that movie has stereo types galore but that is perfectly o.k.
Also lets be honest there are Black people in the world who may act like the robot twins, there are also white people who act like Gomer Pyle and King of the Hill characters, so should we never be able to use characters like that in film because it's racist...that is so ridiculous. We can't make Mafia movies now because that is Racist towards Italians wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Also if anyone wants to claim I am racist that is fine because trust me it couldn't be further from the truth.......
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
About the reading thing.
Do people realize that Bumblebee can't read that (and it's not aware of what language is), and Wheelie (who knows what language is) also can't?
What is the point in having two robot characters that are not funny , useless to the plot and speak jive ?
Now I agree that the twins didn't add anything to the movie and where not funny to me, obviously they where added because someone thought they where funny, but there is no accounting for taste. They are added for the same reason Disney and every other movie adds urban or country characters, that is because they think younger audiences will think it is funny. It is like when a sixty year old guy gets a ear ring, they are just out of touch with what the younger generation likes.
I hope no one thought by me saying they where not racist to me that I was saying I liked them, because that is definitely not the case, I wish Transformers just had a little bit of humor and didn't try to make a corny joke every five minutes. I really think all this is basically because Michael Bay really only cares about awesome explosions and effects, and to me when I go see his films I go into them knowing what I am going to get. I don't watch a David Lynch film thinking man this is going to be a nice flowing cohesive storyline which wraps up nicely.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
If you dont like them then why the F are you defending it? The twins were NOT funny, that is the difference between what Murphy, Tosh and Rock do. Racial jokes are supposed to be funny, not offensive. The twins were offensive, that's it end of story. Obviously you are too thickheaded to see it, that or your just trolling.
I want to get chocolate wasted!
Laughing at A NEGATIVE stereotype is something I will never apologize for. Period. They're NEGATIVE for *beep* sake! The very definition of *beep* you shouldn't believe. Yes, there are always people that FIT stereotypes, and you know what? That's sad in many ways. But they're not the general rule. But they stand out because we are AWARE of the stereotype. You know who else stands out because of the stereotype? People that DON'T fit it. Negative stereotypes arise from people that don't like a particular "brand" of race or people, and they begin to perpetuate that as the norm to seek a type of psychological vengeance. So when I find one out there, especially being used FOR laughs, guess what? I LAUGH! Am I racist? Absolutely not, because negative stereotypes are the work of ignorant, hate-filled people. But I laugh at the irony of those who believe such a lie as a truth. Daniel Tosh is a GREAT example of this. As he doesn't make "racist" jokes. He makes jokes ABOUT RACISM! People that cannot understand that... need to look up the definition of SATIRE. Thanks for playing.
*Michael Bay didn't create the stereotype. He's poking fun at it. (Yes, I realize I'm reaching by implying that Michael Bay is capable of such depth in his, um, "movies."
*"The Twins" in Revenge of the Fallen are NOT funny. Not even approaching on what is funny. But my point stands.
I am thickheaded but you make the most ignorant comment I have ever heard. So you are saying that just because I personally may not think something is funny or good I am not allowed to defend a persons right to do it. Hey I don't smoke marijuana but I am pro legalization. I have a different opinion than you, and this is the second time you have insulted my intelligence when I have been nothing but civil with you, due to this fact you are starting to come off as a child who has to resort to name calling because you have nothing better to say.
I can tell you this, you calling me thickheaded and saying I am trolling comes off as completely ignorant when I have obviously put forth a argument that I have thought about deeply, again this is my opinion and I am sorry if the twins offended you bad enough that you have to attack others in order to ease the horrible pain you are still feeling.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
Ok ,so the black people find the twins offensive ,yeah yeah we get that ,but Ratchet the useless and white sounding doctor ,does that mean all white doctors are useless? no i don't think so ,but here's the thing ,we have people like 50cent , black, not very intelligent and he has gold teeth, so is he a racial stereotype? By the definitions here the answer should be yes.
The people who seem to be shouting most about the racism seem to be rather racist themselves.
Don't scare me....i poop easily
They're supposed to be appealing to the younger section of the audience, I think: A pair of buffoons that undermine the serious action and are knockabout companions to the human teen characters.
By apparently emulating "ghetto" characters they provide a contrast to the "white bread" seriousness or gravitas of the other characters.
I think they represent the southern "urban" culture but what about white guys like Bubba Sparxxx of Paul Wall they are representative of that culture too. I am from the south and I know tons of white guys who act the exact same way. I still say though just like I said a bunch of times earlier, even if they where supposed to be crazy southern black robots why is that horrible but a dumb hillbilly in a movie or series is perfectly o.k. I have addressed this earlier in the thread so I won't go into detail. I guess I just like to laugh at myself and I like edgier humor, others are a little more sensitive I suppose.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
When I saw this movie I immediately thought "southern white redneck" and a "black person from the ghetto"... So who is it racist against? Black? Whites? Both? People forget that a white and black actor played these characters.
The argument that these to characters are racist is truly an epic fail. Too many people jealous of the franchise's success. There are also too many sheep that go along with whatever they hear rather than investigating for themselves, or forming their own opinion without influence from the masses.
By the way I am black not that it should matter.
Thank you, I guess people on this thread are not from the south, because where I am from there are plenty of white people who are similar to the twins. I give up though, because honestly I feel people like racism being around so they have something to complain about. I mean I can find racism in anything if I really feel like it but it's setting us back so far by searching for racism. I don't get how people trying to find racism in everything do not realize they are helping to keep racism alive. I am done with this thread now though as I am just constantly repeating myself at this point so thanks everyone for the fun debate.
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs - A. Hitchcock
I didn't think they were racist. I just thought they were annoying and unfunny.
shareI thought the Twins were okay. Dated and funny, but not racist or offensive. They struck me as a throwback to the 1990s, when black culture was booming. MBay started his career in that era with the black action film BAD BOYS, so Skids and Mudflap were just a homage to that film (wisecracking good guys, ice cream truck); and if any TFan will look closely, they were also a homage to TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED’s Bumblebee, a loudmouth who transformed into a Chevy Beat and was voiced by Bumper Robinson (who is black).
TRANSFORMERS have been host to a truckload of generally stereotypical characters: G1 Jazz and Blaster were black, G1 Ironhide was a Texan, ANIMATED Blitzwing was German, PRIME Knock Out is somewhat gay, and then BEAST WARS has the Mexican Jointron brothers (andale ariba). Even in DOTM, there was the Italian Autobot Mirage, the UK Wreckers and the German-Irish Wheeljack. It’s nothing new for the franchise, but these two got unfairly singled out.
There are always going to be complaints from “politically correct”/sensitive people who think stereotypes are offensive and a form of racism towards ethnic minorities. No one cares to ask the minorities themselves if they actually have a problem with it; when I saw ROTF in the cinema there were black people laughing and cheering the Twins. It’s also worth noting that it was generally only the movie critics who lambasted the Twins, comparing them to Jar Jar Binks. That is not a comparison but an outright insult: nothing is as bad as Jar-Jar and besides I’ve seen black stereotypes that were far worse than the Twins.
This isn’t the first nor will it be the last accusation of racism. THOR got complaints from white supremacists for casting Idris Elba as the Viking god Heimdall, yet he gave an excellent performance in that film. And recently the new SUPERMAN flick has taken flak for casting Laurence Fishbourne as newspaper editor Perry White, previously a role held by white actors. The best thing to do with such cases is to just get over it and take/enjoy the film as much as you can and judge for youself if there really is anything you find offensive, or not.
07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.
Jive-talking twin Transformers raise race issues
Updated 6/24/2009 3:09 PM
LOS ANGELES — Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen introduces some 40 new mechanized characters of all shapes, sizes and even sexes — but it's a pair of jive-talking 'bots that critics are singling out as more than just harmless comic relief.
Skids and Mudflap, twin robots disguised as compact Chevys, constantly brawl and bicker in rap-inspired street slang. They're forced to acknowledge that they can't read. One has a gold tooth.
As good guys, they fight alongside the Autobots and are intended to provide comic relief. But the traits they're ascribed raise the specter of stereotypes most notably seen when Jar Jar Binks, the clumsy, broken-English speaking alien from Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace, was criticized as a racial caricature.
Wall Street Journal film critic Joe Morgenstern described Binks in 1999 as a "Rastafarian Stepin Fetchit," a reference to a black character from the 1920s and '30s that exploited negative stereotypes for comic effect. Extending that metaphor to the Transformers sequel was AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire, who calls Skids and Mudflap "Jar Jar Binks in car form."
And Manohla Dargis, film critic for The New York Times, takes it a step further, writing that the Transformers characters were given "conspicuously cartoonish, so-called black voices that indicate that minstrelsy remains as much in fashion in Hollywood as when, well, Jar Jar Binks was set loose by George Lucas."
Director Michael Bay insists that the bumbling 'bots are just good clean fun.
"We're just putting more personality in," Bay said. "I don't know if it's stereotypes — they are robots, by the way. These are the voice actors. This is kind of the direction they were taking the characters and we went with it."
TV actor Reno Wilson, who is black, voices Mudflap. Tom Kenny, the white actor behind SpongeBob SquarePants, voices Skids. Neither immediately responded to interview requests for this story.
Bay said the twins' parts "were kind of written but not really written, so the voice actors is when we started to really kind of come up with their characters."
"I purely did it for kids," the director said. "Young kids love these robots, because it makes it more accessible to them."
Screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman said they followed Bay's lead in creating the twins. Still, the characters serve no real purpose in the story, and when the action gets serious, they disappear entirely, notes Tasha Robinson, associate entertainment editor at The Onion.
"They don't really have any positive effect on the film," she said. "They only exist to talk in bad ebonics, beat each other up and talk about how stupid each other is."
Hollywood has a track record of using negative stereotypes of black characters for comic relief, said Todd Boyd, a professor of popular culture at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, who has not seen the Transformers sequel.
"There's a history of people getting laughs at the expense of African-Americans and African-American culture," Boyd said. "These images are not completely divorced from history even though it's a new movie and even though they're robots and not humans."
American cinema also has a tendency to deal with race indirectly, said Allyson Nadia Field, an assistant professor of cinema and media studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.
"There's a persistent dehumanization of African-Americans throughout Hollywood that displaces issues of race onto non-human entities," said Field, who also hasn't seen the film. "It's not about skin color or robot color. It's about how their actions and language are coded racially."
If these characters weren't animated and instead played by real black actors, "then you might have to admit that it's racist," Robinson said. "But stick it into a robot's mouth, and it's just a robot, it's OK."
But if they're alien robots, she continued, "why do they talk like bad black stereotypes?"
Bay brushes off any whiff of controversy.
"Listen, you're going to have your naysayers on anything," he said. "It's like is everything going to be melba toast? It takes all forms and shapes and sizes."
"The twins serve no purpose to the plot"
That's not true, if they didn't start a fight in that tomb where the matrix was, then they wouldnt have found it (or at least not sooner). So, they found the entrance to where the matrix was because of skids throwing Mudflap into the wall and making crack.