Not confident Danny Boyle can make a good movie again.
I feel the same way about Danny Boyle as I do with Tim Burton.
Had his time and now it's over.
Danny is a bit of a messy director. When he can harness that messiness, he can create gold.
When he goes off the rails, losing focus, his movies are horrible. I first noticed the messiness with The Beach, but I put that down to him moving to the Hollywood studio system.
Sunshine's first half is amazing. Laser focused, probably one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, and it's mostly people standing around talking.
Sunshine's second half is woeful. A complete mess. By the end you hate the movie.
Trainspotting 2 another mess. A wasted opportunity.
Now it's been 9 year since Jobs which was ok. 127 Hours 15 years ago, and Slumdog (a mess that worked) longer. Yesterday was fine, didn't all work but was nice enough. It wasn't challenging for him. Anybody could have directed that.
I think he's too old now to pull it off. His juice has been squeezed.