MovieChat Forums > The Midnight Sky (2020) Discussion > A downer of a movie, for no purpose than...

A downer of a movie, for no purpose than to kill time.

I don't really understand why anyone would green light this movie. There is not much point to it, not much plot, not well defined characters.

Because of some cataclysmic apocalypse over the entire Earth scientist up at the arctic circle evacuate their base to spend their last days with their families, while leaving Clooney who has no family, and a little mute girl who was accidentally left behind and is about as much comic relief as this movie has. Meanwhile up in space is a ship returning from investigating a newly found moon of Jupiter, which is laughable in itself, and is wondering why they cannot raise anyone on Earth.

Oh, and Clooney is suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy which he now has to administer to himself. They can't raise Aether, the spaceship, so Clooney and the mute girl leave across treacherous polar bear laden terrain to another base with a more powerful antenna.

It really is slow-moving and uneventful, boring. Clooney sits around being glum, and the astronauts on the spaceship argue with each other. Finally at the end there is a twist that is supposed to make the whole movie worthwhile and break your heart. I confess, the movie does hit a certain somber emotional tone, but most of it makes so little sense it feels like it undercut the point of the movie.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 54% positive rating, so a 3/5 would not be unreasonable.


Sounds good!




Ya, when I was watching, I wondered - "So someone read this slow moving flawed book and thought - I'm going to dedicate years of my life and find millions of dollars to make it into a movie!!"

What a waste of time/energy/$ that could have been put into something else.


I say it all the time ... there are so many bad movies ... if we just forgo a few years of bad movies we could pay off the national debt. I scan though Hulu, NetFlix, and Amazon and I go through hundreds of things that I cannot imagine people wanting to watch.


Haha sooo true and then there are so many creative minds out there with great ideas. At least they have some outlets through video games but in the movie making world their ideas never make it.
I for one would like to see a James Bond/Jason Bourne type character who truly sees that the international terrorists are actually the government themselves and goes to stopping them. Suggest this idea and morons go calling it a crazy idea. It's fiction right so what is the problem?


I agree. It's almost as if they want to cause mass depression to all their watchers.


I'm so done with postapocalyptic stories. Is all this doom and gloom about the environment actually solving anything? As far as I can tell, the best we can come up with is banning plastic straws and making everyone put solar panels on their homes, even though even the people who want to ban plastic straws acknowledge it will have a miniscule benefit for the environment, and mining of the components to make solar panels is bad for the environment. We just went through the apocapandemalypse. It's time to bring cheerful back to the screen.


I think it's funny about how they talk about solar panels as being the solution ... the SUSTAINABLE solution to the energy problem. The thing is that they are not making any more land on planet Earth, so covering stuff up with solar panels is actually not sustainable. Not to mention if something terrible happens like a volcano going off, or huge forest fire, or an asteroid hitting the Earth and raising dust in the atmosphere for a few years all energy production will be reduced or gone. And though I never thought I'd hear myself say it, nuclear is really the only sustainable source of energy that can scale to meet our needs into the future.


Why is it funny are you ignorant or something? There's enough land in the panhandle of Texas to power the entire planet. Didn't you watch Elon Musk's speech on the Giant Fusion Reactor in the sky? Every square kilometer receives a gigawatt of energy.

There's no shortage of land. So using solar panels is totally sustainable. WTF Germany is already in excess of 100% now. Are you guys like Rumple Stiltskin and have slept through the past 10 years?

Volcanoes, asteroids and forest fires have always happened. They never ended life on Earth like humans are threatening.

Nuclear isn't sustainable at all. First of all you need to mine, pay for the fuel and enrich it, that right there is the opposite of sustainable.


I think the plastic straws thing is all they can muster after getting through all the filters of the idiots that prevent them from getting anything real done. Solar panels are a start though, cleaning up all the plastic is another step that's happening and planting billions of trees is another effective thing happening. Just because you're only paying attention to straws and twinkies doesn't mean real powerful things aren't being accomplished that have a major impact on the environment. Germany for example operates on 100% renewables at certain times of the year and produces so much excess electricity they sell it to their neighbors. They've been doing this for at least the past 5 years. Mercury levels are already lowering in waters and sea organisms because of the phasing out of coal.
"We just went through the apocapandemalypse. "
What do you mean we just went through it? Do you live in one those safety capsules in the arctic or something? It's going to get worse.


Regulating or banning plastic straws is a massive waste of time, as well as a problem for some people with disabilities. The main push seems to be to convince people not to reproduce, which is both anti-human and authoritarian. Fixing the environment by either authoritarian or anti-human measures is not really a win.


Its a red herring but it isn't a massive waste of time. It's a beginning of something. I think you're just upset you can't have your twinkie.

"for some people with disabilities."
As if are concerned about people with disabilities.

Oh they don't have to "convince" people to not reproduce. Do you even have a girlfriend?

Thinking that fixing the environment is somehow anti-human is some backwards outdated thinking left over from the 1980s or something. wtf.Since when is making the environment habitable for humans "anti-human"?


I guess you missed all the "there are too many humans on the planet" stuff

My kids get lots of environmentalist guilt-tripping at school. It seems innocuous until you have little kids panicking because they might have accidentally thrown away a piece of scrap paper that was only written on one side and they might be personally destroying the environment by not having used the other side before they recycled it. Seriously, it's out of control.

I actually do have a disability. People with my condition would be negatively affected by desired environmentalist regulations that discourage meat consumption as our diets depend on meat.

I don't eat twinkies though, so there is that.


"Germany for example operates on 100% renewables at certain times of the year and produces so much excess electricity they sell it to their neighbors." At certain times is the thing. At many more times Germany imports really cheap nuclear energy from its neighbors. And they have less plastic waste because they sell every year 350.000 tons of it to China...


"At many more times Germany imports really cheap nuclear energy from its neighbors."

No they don't. Because nuclear isn't cheap. Are you in the energy industry? Do you know anyone in the energy industry? Because I do. Solar has been cheaper than nuclear for some time now and keeps dropping. Nuclear is dead in the water. No one will invest in it and it keeps getting more expensive as the waste keeps piling up with no one willing to babysit it. It costs HUGE salaries to babysit it for 10s of thousands of years.

"because they sell every year 350.000 tons of it to China"
Source? The US is exporting it but Germany and the Swiss reprocess it.

There's no future for nuclear though.


Source? Google "Germany plastic exports". Not that complicated...
And indeed I know a guy working for a bigger Scandinavian energy supplier, who sells energy all over Europe.


"Scandinavian"? You are talking about gas and oil. We're talking about electricity.


OMG. Ever heard of Vattenfall? But hey, maybe they manage to deliver oil and gas through my sockets...
