MovieChat Forums > The Big Year (2011) Discussion > This movie was HORRIBLE

This movie was HORRIBLE

I am a huge Jack Black fan, and will watch anything he's in.
Steve Martin and Owen Wilson, meh...

However this movie was so incredibly bad and UNfunny.
I turned it off after about 45 minutes.

Avoid like the plague.

[insert signature here]


We mildly enjoyed, but did feel a bit mislead as the previews made it look like a roaring comedy with Martin, Wilson and Black. We got fooled in the department. But overall it wasn't bad. That said, if we knew going in what we knew coming out of the flick, we would have certainly waited to see it on PPV or cable. It had very few laughs and was more or less a light-hearted drama. It was not as advertised.


I beg to disagree. I'm a mountaineer, though you can not compare that to birding. What I'm trying to say here is, if you have a passion about something, you'll do it to the best that you can. So if there is nothing that you passionately do, you cant connect to the story. :))
