MovieChat Forums > The Big Year (2011) Discussion > This movie was HORRIBLE

This movie was HORRIBLE

I am a huge Jack Black fan, and will watch anything he's in.
Steve Martin and Owen Wilson, meh...

However this movie was so incredibly bad and UNfunny.
I turned it off after about 45 minutes.

Avoid like the plague.

[insert signature here]


So I guess you're one of those kiddies that isn't going to like any movie that doesn't have a lot of blood and guts and explosions, nudity and a swear word every three words. Oh well. I guess to each his own. I thought the movie was great and I thought Jack played the kind of character that one would want to have as a friend. I'd hang with Brad.

And if you turned it off at 45 minutes you missed one of the best parts. The "Hitchcockian" moment.


No. I don't need a movie that has to have blood and guts, explosions, nudity and swear words, I just enjoy a movie that is good. This was not.

[insert signature here]


Such a silly comment. Who would go and watch a comedy expecting 'blood, guts and explosions'. Just because somebody doesn't like the same things you do, doesn't mean their taste is automatically poor. It's like when people say 'go and watch Transformers'.


there is NOTHING wrong with movies with blood guts and explosions.
in fact...they rule.


totally agree with the OP. I shut this off after 30 minutes because I just couldn't stomach how painfully mediocre it was in every possible respect.

And for the record, I enjoy all genres of movies, from blood and guts to artsy character drama. I just want to give a crap about what's happening onscreen. And in the case of this movie, I could find no craps to give.


Yup. If you're looking for something more adventurous, try vanilla ice cream.

This movie didn't attempt to try anything. There are 3 GREAT comedic actors in lead roles here and they just cruised through the motions. It's really too bad. I wasn't even asking for it to be AMAZING... Something on par with City Slickers and I would've been happy.


I turned it off after about 45 minutes.
A truly bad movie can be spotted well before the halfway point. The fact the OP hung on means the movie wasn't really "horrible" or "plague"-like, rather the OP has a limited attention span...typical for a lot of folks these days.


This movie isn't meant to be a typical Jack Black comedy. It has a few laughs, and my girlfriend and myself laughed out loud on a number of occasions, but it isn't primarily a comedy. I won't get into the details, you can find that on many of the reviews on here, I'll just say this: You probably don't like this movie, because you watched it expecting something it wasn't, and you ended up disappointed. The movie was great for what it was, and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it is very underrated, and 6.0 does NOT do it justice. What can you expect from people who, nowadays, will rate brainless movies more highly than the ones which cause you to this.

If you're a thinker, and actually consider what a movie is trying to get across when you watch a film, then you will love this movie.

If you're looking for another Jack Black comedy, you won't find it here. Though he does a very good job in this more serious role.

(Also watch this is you wan't to see a feel-good movie.)


This is the best part of your comment:

If you're a thinker, and actually consider what a movie is trying to get across when you watch a film, then you will love this movie.

It seems a lot of viewers want to either 'love' or 'hate' a movie, and they form early opinions of what it should be, then 'hate' it IF it doesn't follow the story arc they thought it should.

I didn't love the movie at first because I didn't know where it was headed. But once it headed into what eventually became its real stories, I enjoyed it more and more.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Ok, fine it's a feel good movie, the good guys don't achieve their goal, but find they actually win something much more valuable. The bad guy (who isn't nearly bad enough) achieves his goal but misses out on something much more important. Would it have hurt to throw in a few more gags? A bit more tension between the antagonist and protagonist? We even get the scene where the bad guy is revealed to even be somewhat honorable, (he doesn't cheat when he clearly could have). The fellow birders aren't used to good advantage. The movie just aimlessly bumbles about throws in a few maudlin personnel development moments then ends.


This movie made me swear off EVER going by IMDB users ratings. It goes no where, it's one of the worse excuses for a movie I've seen in a long time. Man this thing sucked, I'm surprised Chevy Chase wasn't in it.

"if it was any good they'd have made an American version by now." Hank Hill


not ALL movies are pure comedies.
you probably expected some another "year one" movie but not all movies like that.
just because certain actors do mainly comedies, doesnt mean they have to do their usual stupid comedies.


> However this movie was so incredibly bad and UNfunny.

It wasn't supposed to be a comedy, or at least, not the kind of comedy you probably want with people falling into manholes and getting hit with ladders and driving a car through a wall.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


It was or wasn't supposed to be a comedy? I never even came close to anything resembling laughter. I'm actually a birder, so I was looking forward to it. I was terribly disappointed, this film is awful. It just goes to show Hollywood can screw up just about any type of film these days.


> It was or wasn't supposed to be a comedy?

"Wasn't". Sorry. That was a typo. I've fixed it now.

> I never even came close to anything resembling laughter.

Well, as I say, if you were expecting the kind of comedy where people fall down manholes and get hit on the head with logs or attacked by angry birds, then this movie won't have it. The comedy in this movie was the kind that just makes you smile and chuckle a bit.

> I'm actually a birder, so I was looking forward to it. I was terribly disappointed, this film is awful. It just goes to show Hollywood can screw up just about any type of film these days.

Do you really think that a movie that accurately portrays birding would be fun to watch? Do you want to see two hours of people hiking through the woods to maybe see a glimpse of one bird?

Of course not. Hollywood has to add a story. That's the same for any movie about a hobby.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I agree with everything you say, but I still think it was an awful film, as in "walk out of the theatre" awful.

I love your moniker btw.


Absolutely TERRIBLE movie.

It reminds me of two other duds, "The Royal Tannenbaums" and "Little Miss Sunshine."

And for those who have scolded the people that expected a comedy, when the cable guide write up begins, "In this hilarious comedy....", viewers have every right to expect a comedy.

It shouldn't take endless amounts of research and evaluation for people who just want to turn on something that's potentially entertaining for an evening.


I would not say it is terrible, but it was not at all what I expected. It is not much of a comedy despite having 3 guys who have had big comedic careers. I was expecting a funny movie and I chuckled maybe once, it just was not funny. It was a cute feel good movie/love story though it was better then most cute feel good movies, I never found it annoying(except for the bird number count constantly flashing on the screen like anybody cared) sappy, or preachy and it had some nice scenes and scenery but if you are expecting a comedy with some good laughs because it has Martin, Black, and Wilson or the way it was advertised it is simply not a comedy or very funny. This seemed more like a movie for birdwatchers by birdwatchers, I found it very similar to "The Holiday", a okay tolerable feel good chick flick but not very funny, the jokes are weak and fall flat.
