MovieChat Forums > The Invisible Man (2020) Discussion > Things I learned from The Invisible Man

Things I learned from The Invisible Man

1. Being invisible makes you supernaturally strong.
2. When surprised, a person can put a knife in your hand and do what they want with your arm (hold up high or slash)
3. You can wash paint off a complex, multifaceted suit in the kitchen sink in 15 seconds.
4. A person who was 6 feet away from you and is still 6 feet away from you after you are mysteriously struck absolutely MUST have been able to violate the laws of the universe and hit you.
5. If your sister has you pick her up all secret style in the middle of the night, be casual and ask a bunch of questions before driving off while she pleads with you to GO GO GO while obviously distressed.
6. If you see your fellow police officers being jacked up by some unknown force, point your gun and make demands of the frail girl on the ground 20 feet further down the hall.
7. When running from an invisible person, you can relax after a few blocks because no way they followed you that far.
8. If you wake up to the sound of your car alarm and your captive gf isn't next to you, sprint directly in the direction she took to scale a wall and run down the path through the woods that she took. You'll know.
9. If you can't see your opponent, you can't wrestle them when they are touching you. You just have to let them manipulate you.
10. Your sister will not recognize a sudden, tonally inconsistent, hate email as suspicious and will throw away a lifetime of familiarity in favor of utter rejection.
11. When in breach of a pre-agreed protocol made to protect the mental and physical well being of your sister to tell her it isn't needed anymore, don't lead with that info. Let her freak out while you demand to be listened to and other emotional posturing first.
12. You should allow someone not involved in the will reading at all to refuse part of the process to be heard on your behalf.
13. You can put on a technologically sophisticated suit, run out quietly, force a guy to slit his throat, get back to the restroom, change back into your dress, fix your hair, and stroll back into the room in exactly one minute.
14. It's not worse than the last three Star Wars movies.


34. If your father, that tried to safe you, is mysteriously beaten up by an invisible force you don‘t try to help him, even not by smashing anything in reach against this thing standing over your dad. Also you don‘t try to escape so that your dad doesn’t at least die for absolutely nothing. You just sit down and see what happens.

35. If you desperately try to leave your husband by running away in the middle of the night, you obviously wash out the glass with sleeping pills first before storming out. Because it will be completely important in the upcoming events and time isn’t crucial for you at all.


34. An invisibility suit will make you invulnerable to being stabbed several times with a fountain pen.


14. ?
Amen to that.
