Things I learned from watching Legion
1. Two angels can come to earth in their own bodies, but all other angels must possess human beings before they can come.
2. Little old ladies,sent to destroy an unborn baby, will bite the neck of an innocent bystander rather than the target right next to them.
3. A plague of flies are actually not that dangerous, and can't harm anyone, even when they get inside a car.
4. A guy with a hook for a hand takes jokes about "being careful with guns or you will blow your hand off" quite well....
5. A good angel sent to Earth to protect a baby will automatically cut off his own wings, even though they protect him from gunfire.
6. If you are possessed by an angel in a car, your head will shake back and fore like a scene from "Wayne's World."
7. God, who is supposedly all-powerful and all-seeing, is unable to kill an unborn baby himself and has to send lots of possessed angels to kill it.
8. Angels, despite being powerful creatures, suddenly have little or no control over bodies they are possessing, with the result that zombies from "Night of the Living Dead" are fast by comparison.
9. Never buy an ice cream from a guy who has arms and legs twice as long as you.
10. Multi-million dollar companies may sometimes consider building shopping malls in the middle of a desert.
11. Heaven actually looks like a sound stage the size of a wardrobe.
12. Dennis Quaid needs a lot of money and will appear in trashy horror B-movies to make a fast buck.
13. Paul Bettany has an agent who wouldn't know a good movie prospect if it bit him on the neck.