MovieChat Forums > The Book of Eli (2010) Discussion > More trite Judeo-Christian myth

More trite Judeo-Christian myth

If we haven't been bombarded, hounded, rounded up, conditioned, ruled and controlled by the no 1 best selling fantasy book of all time, the modern medium continues to disseminate the laughable fairy tales of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
I wouldn't care if its implications weren't so devastating in so many different ways.
Here, as usual the protagonist - hero is justified in excessive violence to protect 'the word'; yet we are supposed to believe he is asexual. What is it with you people?
Cutting people's heads off in the name of preserving a fairy tale that exerts control over a wretched visceral ammoral mass is justified, yet a man having the slightest attraction to fulfill the most natural of all desires is once again made dirty and wrong.
You people are seriously f"^ked up.


Gays so hate Christianity.


I guess some atheists push their agendas just as bad as the people they talk about.


To paraphrase another quote, your post is "crap legitimized by florid prose".

I've never seen such garbage so poetic and flowery.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Look out, we have another triggered atheist!


Nothing is quite as rabid as a triggered atheist. Just press the buttons and watch the venomous froth fly from their mouths!


Cutting people's penises off in the name of trying to be the opposite sex that exerts control over the majority of society is justified, yet someone saying that here are only two sexes to fulfill what has been natural for millennia is made dirty and wrong by mentally ill leftists.

There fixed your original statement for the current era.



I like how this guy from Uganda described it when talking to a transgender, he asked "Are you performing the Natural Obligation"?

That phrase cuts to the core of who and what we are. Men and Women make babies, theres no use for people claiming other genders, or being gay, naturally as a species we are binary and it serves a purpose. Everything else is just perversion and unnatural.


Oh poor baby,
yet another butt hurt person cannot handle the Bible, God or the mention of Jesus Christ. Right on queue they go right into meltdown mode.
Are you going to be ok precious? The fact the many people believe they are created by God....universe and all and they don't live by "its all fairy tales" code?

Poor thing. Too bad everyone doesn't think exactly like you....else they wouldn't make films about your "taboo" topics.
