Ping? LAWL
I am in my late 20s and have been playing games online for a while for as long as the internet has been evolving. I remember back when the only way to access the internet was through AOL. Back then, even left clicking on anything while doing a search would completely crash the computer. Since then, the internet has evolved in the last 12ish years in an incredible way. At college in New Jersey, 99.7% of students lived on campus dorms. And we all had free access to the T3 internet. For gaming purposes, I got ping as little as 5 for nearby servers and as much as 90 for servers on the west coast. Remember that this is in microseconds. So 4 years ago, ping on the other side of the country lagged us 90 microseconds at most with T3.
This movie sets place in some sort of future. Let us say conservatively that it is 30 years in the future. From the rate of internet speed accomplished per year, we will likely be in T13 by then. In other words, we could likely get AT MOST 40 ping with the best internet anywhere in the world.
So while it is cute that this movie uses the gaming term of "ping", the fact of the matter is that ping would not matter in the least bit at around the time that this movie takes place. The computer advances, as well as the advances of internet efficiency, would not matter in the least bit in the time that this such concept could be achieved. We could say that maybe the ping would cause the slowdown of the alias by 30 microseconds. Please ask ANY gamer today how they would like to have 30 ping as the lowest possible target in the entire world.
Game lag was more realistic in the movie Avalon.
Feel free to criticize me all you want.