wow, most underrated movie ever
dont think ive seen a movie that was this amazingly well-made, but cant find anyone who even likes it. 5.7 on imdb? incredible
sharedont think ive seen a movie that was this amazingly well-made, but cant find anyone who even likes it. 5.7 on imdb? incredible
shareI hope to god you aren't being sarcastic because i feel the same way :S
I waited to see it for free on TV, because it's not the kind of film i would usually pay to go see, even though it had tonnes of my favourite actors in it.
I thought it was good, the graphics, most of the acting, the ridiculousness of the story, the action scenes were quite good. Yeah the story could have been better but it wasn't as *beep* as people are making it out to have been.
If i went by the *beep* pessimistic overly judgemental pricks reviews from IMDB i would never watch a lot of great movies... and to show a bit of perspective, the original Twilight movie has a 5.6 and it was much worse, and Avatar has an 8 point something, and pretty much anyone who knows or actually likes films (Who isn't a retarded magpie attracted to anything shiny) will state that the only good thing Avatar had going for it was the graphics, which right now aren't even that far ahead of what will be normality in a year.
Anyways, angry rant about IMDB and Avatar over... Michael C HAll was fricking awesome in this - especially that fantastically strange and eccentric dancing scene, which was perfect for the slightly insane recluse nerd his character is meant to be.
Oh My God!
Did you just seriously compare this movie to Avatar, and suggest it's better in any way, shape or form?
Please, just go and kill yourself, for you are far too dumb to pollute the gene pool any further!
Seriously, I'd say get your head out of your ass, but you obviously like the view, hence your vehement defence for a crap film.
It was shiny and had graphics which already aren't that impressive when compared to films which are coming out now, soon they will be very much the norm which is when the fact that the graphics were the only thing Avatar had going for it will really start to show. Hopefully by then you avatards will have gotten over it and realised that it wasn't that good. Really. It lacked originality, acting was spotty, character development was more or less zero... at least Gamer tried to write its own story and do something silly and different, even if it didn't do that well.
Anyways, my original point before you went spastic and flipped your *beep* Was quite simply that IMDB ratings can't be trusted, and that graphics should in no way denote an 8 plus rating!
I don't follow ratings, I usually pick a movie according to my mood and then I like to visit imdb to see other people's opinions.
I was surprised by this movie, I was expecting the normal action flick with big explosions and those sort of stunts but I wasn't expecting this background. A society living through the eyes of others, the loss of identity and control of our own actions. It's scary to believe that we could reach such a point if the technology was available.
I didn't like the way some action scenes were shot, too quick to actually see what was happening. I would change a bit the pace of the movie, but I'm certain this is just a personnal preference.
All in all a good movie a 7/10.
im glad some people agree with me!!!
i see tons and tons and tons of movies, but i honestly believe that this would make my list for the top 3 most underrated movies of all time. the action is perfect, the look is perfect, and why are people complaining about the plot?? its not that complicated, but you take a movie for what its supposed to be.
terrific movie
This is one movie that deseves a spot on the "Underrated" catagory cuz this isn't your type of Hollywood A-list movie, this is one of those movies that pushes and gambles barriers creating a modern Sci-fi Exploitation kind of movie with great action packed thrills, lots of nudity and campy moments and you can't really compare this type of movie to any movie that is out there, so basically you can just get snacks, pop in some brews and enjoy cuz what you're getting is eye candy and a whole lot of it.
sharein the 3 most underrated movies ever??? wtf??
why is your only argument about "how oh this isn't conventional hollywodd its unique and new and people dont get it". its not unique or new at all. in what way does this movie challenge us? the look is perfect? are you kidding me its disgusting to look at, the editing and cinematography is the equivalent an epileptic toddler taking a *beep* the satire and themes of this film are shoved down your throat in the first 10 minutes. no thinking required. what are these "tons and tons and tons" of movies you watch? anything pre-2007?
Darres, the fact that you keep referring to the CGI as 'graphics' shows you don't have a clue what you are talking about so please don't bother posting your irrelevant opinions on here. This film was utter sh*t and anyone with even half a brain knows this.
shareGraphic is a term which has many meanings, one of which is a computer generated image... where have i heard that before... oh yeah! CGI stands for Computer Generated Image.
There are different things graphics can refer to, yes, but it can be used in conjunction with CGI. Yes in films it is generally used to talk about the titles, credits and *beep* like that, but not always.
So seriously, just sod off. If you don't like the film why troll the board? I don't go to the boards of films I don't like and bitch about them.
I feel the same way.. totally underrated..
the movie is stylish, action packed and good story..
I donno why people don like this one...
I've just watched this film on DVD and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the action scenes were incredible.
I refuse to apologise for liking something.
This thread makes me weep for the future.
I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!
I will not say Gamer is THE most underrated movie but it is underrated. #1 it had a low budget. Yet pulled out a good overall storyline that shadows our technological future in many ways. #2 the main actors did a really good job, especially how campy the source material was. #3 a good amount of hot chicks in short clothing if any at all.
So overall it is a fun experience. Movies are supposed to be fun right? Not over thought and scrutinized for countless hours.
Just think Call of Duty with death row inmates, very easy to do with today's technology. GPS/remote activated equipment/satellite controlled nanites and of course human meatshields for fodder. Totally could be done.
Original post is 100% correct...The funny thing is that everything that folks hate about this film is exactly why its great...aka its supposed to be exactly what it is:A send up of the insane first person shooter video game culture taken to the extreme...I usually hate this type of editing & crazy camera work, but for this it worked...folks really missed the whole point of this film!
shareAn obligatory, self proclaimed intellectual as* on IMDB thread.
Very original.
I know right? Gamer is easily one of the most underrated movies around.
"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."share
TOO *beep* RIGH MY FRIEND !!!! people who dont like it are too old to understand it.
people that dont like this movie proberly dont like crank either, they proberly want to sit at home and watch artistic *beep* like black swan
Hey Hammond, Black Swan is incredible! I agree with the OP, I found the movie thoroughly entertaining.
sharethis movie is intense when high
shareI thought this was okay, nowhere near the standard of the Crank series and there could've been a deeper plot considering the subject matter.
I'm stunned that the budget was only $15 million though. The cast isn't exactly star studded, but there's alot of familiar faces. Almost an explosion or gunfight every 10 minutes too, that couldn't have been cheap.
For a light, adrenaline ride, it's a good'un.
Gamer is sharp, full of satire that few understand feature remarkable visuals and productions design. It's what the world would be like if it was ran by the trolls you meet online, and frankly it's not that far fetched.
I'm commenting here because my "credibility is suspect" for giving Gamer an 8/10.
Best YouTube channel you're not watching:
Never seen a movie that was this amazingly well-made? Then would question the number of films that you have seen.
That said, I found Gamer to be an underrated satire that only the gamer and sim culture will truly understand. I know that sound pretentious, but I've found it to be largely true. It's campy, over-the-top, and ridiculous. That's part of its charm. Michael C. Hall is mesmerizing in this. The action scenes are obviously low-budget, but that just adds to the charm of the overall product.
Gamer is a 7/10 in my book. When it works, it really works. When it fail, it fails hard. Another poster made the point that this is what it might be like if Internet trolls ran the world. That's a good analysis of Gamer.