MovieChat Forums > Gamer (2009) Discussion > i think people are missing the point...

i think people are missing the point...

Guys, this movie really is meant to be more than another Crank-type action movie. I kept thinking "Idiocracy" when I watched it the first time... The best way I could sum it up would be calling it a fusion of "I Robot" and Idiocracy. Some other posters mentioned BladeRunner, which I can see somewhat as well.

I think the primary intent is to point out how totally immoral and out-of-control modern society has become. And from that perspective, I think the movie is quite successful. The really scary thing is that this movie really isnt that far-fetched in terms of what is happening to society right now.

Michael C Hall was awesome in this role, as it seemed tailor-made for him and his "brilliant lunatic" acting style. I also think the interaction between him and the talk show host was great, further highlighting the total dissolution of ethics and morals in everything from news to politics. Gerard Butler was OK, but nothing new for him. Personally Im a bit tired of seeing him in everything now, but he can still whip some serious $^&*... I even think Simon did a good job at acting like a spoiled little brat. He definitely had the coolest role of any kid in a recent movie...his home entertainment setup was incredible.

I also really liked the production style of the movie. The color saturation and palette was really cool, IMO. One annoyance was that they kept showing psuedo "glitches" in the video feed of some of the action sequences. The point was to highlight the fact that it was virtual and introduce the "ping" delay, but it became annoying quickly.

Oh, and I liked that they showed the little hover-cameras that were following the players was a nice detail. At least it tried to explain how people were getting a 3rd-person view of the action without people filming directly. Nice detail I thought.

Anyway, I would suggest people not judge Gamer as just another action movie. It really tries for more... whether or not you think it succeeds.




Agreed that people seem to miss the point. I was thinking along the lines of Starship Troopers as far as people missing the point.

I think the fact that people can see it as just an action film was probably done on purpose so that they could try to attract multiple groups, those who would like the film for the second level it has and those who would just like the guns, explosions and sexual scenes.

Also, i'd add Surrogates to the films it reminds me of. Because Surrogates also tries to put across a very similar point, and in a pretty similar way and success rate.


Most people are indeed fu**ing missing the point.

"I think the primary intent is to point out how totally immoral and out-of-control modern society has become. And from that perspective, I think the movie is quite successful. The really scary thing is that this movie really isnt that far-fetched in terms of what is happening to society right now.
I would suggest people not judge Gamer as just another action movie. It really tries for more... whether or not you think it succeeds."


"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."


Holy crap batman...Another person who totally got the point of the film...Way to go fncarn8


The words of the thread starter were my exact feelings and thoughts throughout the movie and walking out of the theater in 2009. The underlying messages (actually, they were blatant to me), the characters, the settings, the cinematography, the production and overall arrangement were all incredible, in my opinion (let's not forget the impact of the soundtrack too*). How are other people so blinded from seeing the point?

Anyway, I would suggest people not judge Gamer as just another action movie.

Wait, what? Do people just disregard completely the sci-fi and political/societal aspects of this film and classify this as "action"?! Is that what's going on here?!

Total BS!

If anything, I thought this was a moving romance movie.



If anything, I thought this was a moving romance movie.

Agreed, I loved the romantic scenes. Didn't expect to find emotional and touching family moments in a crude sci-fi/action movie. They were nicely done. Gerard and Amber definitely did a good job.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾


fncarn8 , well expressed. This movie makes a more powerful and accurate statement than people realize.



Your IQ has to be double digits for just mentioning Blade Runner and this in the same internets. Like saying Bieber and the Beatles or whatnot

"All the donuts have names that sound like prostitutes"
-Tom Waits
