MovieChat Forums > Gamer (2009) Discussion > To close to the truth?

To close to the truth?

I am still a bit puzzled why this movie is rated so low and when I look through the reviews people seem to love it or hate it, not much in between. Even if you don't get the message below the surface, it is still a good action movie (at least).

Could it be that this movie is for some a bit to painful a look on the false but shiny reality the new media with its computer games and social networking is producing? Could the movie be just to close to the truth that denial kicks in and it is regarded as trash and oh so stereotypical?

I cannot help but to thing of Gamer the minute I see people playing the latest war shooter (myself included) or make friends on facebook one-click. I find myself stepping back and asking "do you realy want that"

Well mostly I give in to the excitement and reload :)


Because it's a boring movie with five minutes of plot and 85 minutes of shaky camera work.



Exactly. And really 'Too close to the truth?' is a bit of a stupid idea because its NOT at all near the truth. The main fan-base for this movie are gamers and people who like action movies. 99% of the people who watched this are gamers and it basically walks up and slaps them in the face, saying '*beep* you all, we hate you, your disgusting, kill yourself'.

LOL where the hell did you pull this statistic from? Both my parents and I watched it. My mom is not a gamer. So, if we take a random sampling from my family, 1/3 of the viewers are non-gamers. Obviously as the sample expands, percentages change, but you see my point. No one likes exaggeration.
I am free in all the ways that you are not


"No one likes exaggeration."

Delightful irony. I just about sprayed my monitor with coke.
Funniest thing I've read so far today.


I'm glad you were entertained :]

I am free in all the ways that you are not


I just watched it and thought it was pretty good but you can't please everyone. Some people are content to see bad remakes of good films. At least this film was something new and original and had something to say. It isn't that far fetched. We are all so plugged in with our i-phones, and internet, we would rather text things we could just say aloud. It is a thought provoking film.


Thought provoking? More like stylized crap for the MTV generation.



The message below the surface? surely you're joking



Too close to the truth?

Which school of stupid are you from?


Well, what's the message?
Slayers is a consequence free environment where the players/users could do whatever they want without repurcussions or reprisals. Shoot people. Have kinky sex. Whatever.
And what's the internet? Well, gosh! It's a consequence free environment where players/users can do pretty much whatever they want without repurcussions or reprisals.
How much attention do any of you out there pay to people calling you stupid or giving more verbose insults?

What's the message?
Consequences are being taken away for more and more actions all the time.
Someone under 18 kills someone, and the Young Offender's Act (or whatever they call it where you are) prevents us from knowing who they are, what they look like, and they serve minimal sentences, and get their records wiped clean when they turn 18. Consequences?

Children are practically getting away with anything as society has made parents terrified of disciplining their children for fear of being accused of 'abuse'.

Teenage pregnancies are way up because the media all but encourages promiscuity. Consequences....?

What's the message?

The media is leading us. There is very little we can not get away with.
Morals are fading into obscurity in exchange for the pursuit of money, power, sex, or whatever gratifications are being sought.

Turn off the tv. Turn off the computer.
Think for yourself.

Or join the masses in virtual slavery.


Turn off the tv. Turn off the computer.
Think for yourself.

Or join the masses in virtual slavery.

- greatdwarf, regular IMDB forum user


"- greatdwarf, regular IMDB forum user "
-by stoiven

Yeah. Regular. I like movies.
I also like having empty bowels, so I'm regular there, too.
Also a regular gamer, a regular at my favourite pub, have a regular exercise regimen.
I am a regular user of imdb. No arguement. But I don't live at my computer.



I think the same thing when I start playing the latest shooter...then it dawns on me that these are just pixels and I am not actually a moron and continue playing.


Gamer is indeed a great example of "love it or hate it" movie, and it's dangerously close to the truth.

"Could it be that this movie is for some a bit to painful a look on the false but shiny reality the new media with its computer games and social networking is producing? Could the movie be just to close to the truth that denial kicks in and it is regarded as trash and oh so stereotypical?"

Yes, I also think this is one of the main reasons why many people despise Gamer. They're in denial, and they don't want to admit that this movie depicts a disturbing, but realistic future. Maybe, they are scared of such an horrifying possibility, or just don't want to think about it.

"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."


No it's because it's an bad movie. The acting in some parts of the movies was just god awful. The movie had very little plot. The characters came off as unsympathetic and I found myself not caring what happens to them. Then with it's message it tries to get preachy and criticize the way people glorify violence yet it turns around and does the exact same thing throughout the movie. This film isn't even original there are some many parts that are ripped off from movies that are better then this. So no this movie isn't rated low because of it's so called message, it's rated low because it's just a bad movie.


i didn't like it because the characters where dull, clichéd and badly acted. The plot was ridiculous and stupid, and the action was too much shaky cam. If people didnt like movies so close to the truth they wouldn't make them that way. Even though this movie is about as far from reality as ive ever seen. nano wifi brain sells ? cars that run on vodka puke and urine? come on.


^ Well, that's what 90% of science fiction movies do, use the scifi-stuff like nanochips, cyborgs etc. as a metaphor for current generation problems. Ever heard of Cyberpunk or dystopia?

Capitalism, big corporations taking over goverments and owning your information, over-reliance on technology.

All the shaky cam and over the top colors etc. were put there on purpose, and they purposefully tried to make you aware of it. It WANTED you to be smarter than just see "Oh derp it's called Gamer so it's gotta be bad and aboot gamer-culture, so mukh shaky-cam and bloom and sex and violence!".

All the violence and sex were made to be disgusting to the viewer. On the surface, glamorous, but then you realize that girl laughing akwardly (and crying at the same time) is actually a fat sweaty guy forcing her to laugh.

ALL THE WHILE the rich corporate bosses laugh their way to the bank and think we're all slaves and mindless sheep, trapped in their addictive virtual game-worlds.



Capitalism, big corporations taking over goverments and owning your information, over-reliance on technology.

Really? It's far more appropriate to compare it to the government, especially in light of government takeover of healthcare, monitoring civilian activities, nanochips, etc.


And who's telling you that? Oh right, the corporate-bought Republican party, glorious defenders against the taxing of the rich.

The government is diddlysquat compared to the things money can buy. In fact it's already bought part of the government. And the sad thing about it, is it's the one you listen to, who tell you to look away and blame somebody else. The foreigners, the jews, the immigrants, the gays, the blacks, even complete *beep* like the shadowy New World Order or Obama being a Muslim communist spy from outer space. And you all believe it, because they say so. Fox News Nation. Smoke and mirrors, while they buy their way into the White House.


It's funny you mention cyberpunk because I just finished watching Gamer and as a big cyberpunk fan, the subplot of Gamer is as cyberpunk as you can get. It even has the compulsory run down market street scene.

I can see why Gamer is a movie you either love or hate. I can see why some get hung on the aesthetics and visuals or a lack of plot or bad acting, perhaps because you focus far more on it being an action flick than a critical comment about where society is going.

Personally though, I think Gamer is smart. Much smarter than it looks like on the surface. The plot is simple to understand and easy to justify into an action flick. The characters are perhaps to a point made to be one-dimensional but I think there's actually a point to that too. The ending is riddled with ironies about free will versus fate/determinism.

What really makes it stand out to me though is the constant feeling of not knowing what is real or not. Gamer has a strange level of surrealism I haven't encountered in any film or TV series that pretends to be surrealistic. Somehow you know that in these stories it's not real, all of it is fiction.

With Gamer, the way the camera work and colors are created makes it feel very surreal, but it's to the point where I start questioning whether I am just being mislead, that I am supposed to think it's surreal when it's not and I'm in fact watching reality. Clever, very clever.

And honestly, some people might say, this kind of dystopian future is far off into the future and won't happen but I am not sure that's true. That the ending almost hinted at this was simply a game within a game of course makes it more interesting, because not only does it open up questions about corporate control, it opens up questions about who really is in control.

If Gamer is about the ability of consumer choice, the question is what we actually choose? There's actually a point being made about the "freedom of lack of choice", that the mind enters a state of paralysis when we have to choose between tooo many things and we still tend to pick what we are already familiar with.

Another kudos that I give to the direction is how faithful it is to the camera direction of first person shooters. I won't stop play games but of course, next time I do it, I'll probably ask myself a bit more closely what it means when I kill an NPC on my screen.


I won't stop play games but of course, next time I do it, I'll probably ask myself a bit more closely what it means when I kill an NPC on my screen.

Really? It will simply mean the pixels that the pixels drawn will no longer be drawn in a sequence that presents animation and instead no longer be drawn or drawn in a way that depicts a dead body.

There is no deep meaning, no insight into our society and the future we're heading towards. It is simply a film where someone said "lets remake running man, but update it so it's relevant to the youths".

A bog standard copy-paste of an action flick. That's why it's full of plot holes (even in the tiniest amount of plot they strung together), the characters are all one dimensional and 90% of the film is fighting, boobs and blood.


Your post makes no sense. This movie has not managed to show anything clsoe to what gamers are like,media are like or any such thing. If anything it was a jab at gamer culture by trying to push some people into disliking it. The whole message of this movie was that gaming is bad.
The current generation media is a bit extreme, however gaming is far from it. if anything, it is tame in comparison. you can write a book about holocaust, you can film a movie, but god forbit you dare make a game about it and you will be hit with a *beep* (be happy i didnt pick the recent school shooting example as that one is even more to the point).
You are probably not a gamer, and that is fine, to each his own, but hating others for what they like sounds closer to "your wrong because you dont like the same things i like" warmongering thats oing on a lot lately.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
